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  1. S

    Turkish air force lacks air to air?

    i am sorry to tell you my friend but your sources are no good turkey is only gonna make 120 under licence. length of f 22 is 67ft su 30 mki is 72 ft f 18 is 60ft bigger means better
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    Turkish air force lacks air to air?

    if you dont mind me saying what turkey lacks is a air superiority fighter f-4,16,35 are light and medium combat aircrafts. and turkey is going to build 120 aircrafts under license that means no more.and even if ,and i mean the big if ....that pakistan's gonna get those then its got to be US not...
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    India willl be foolishg to trust america for mmrca

    hey come on man no need to make fun. he will get better in english by time except for the 5th gen aircraft part
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    India to Gear up for 'Star Wars' with Countries like China

    ok point taken but you are forgeting that indians are also stealing your jobs in medical profession,IT,research ,engiennring etc there is no stopping to this list and let me guess some indian guy or girl took your job thats why you recently joined this forum to take out some heat on indians by...
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    India to Gear up for 'Star Wars' with Countries like China

    yeah forgot to add china but you seriously think that india is no where in post-doctorate degrees and research positions then u are either stupid or a chinese with two canadian flags. research about indians in US doing research
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    U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line

    yes we know whose the boss for now, but i think its time for some change in management :azn: and yeah i seriously wish that there are not much people like you are, in your country old man. and yes one more thing US was discovered because Christoper Columbus was trying to find a trade route to...
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    U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line

    hey look another american fan boy:what: . why do every time i come across people like him, i grow closer and closer towards china to plz in the future kick their ***. :yahoo: p.s.- i do appreciate american shows,movies and games
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    India to Gear up for 'Star Wars' with Countries like China

    keep on laughing bro....but the fact is every nation faces road blocks when it comes to research and development ,but your country wont understand that....you know what i mean right
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    India to Gear up for 'Star Wars' with Countries like China

    yes because most of their brilliant minds are from india,japan,pakistan
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    suitability F-15 C & E for PAF ?

    dude jf-17 is a light combat aircraft where as f-15 is a air superiority aircraft like f-22,su-30mki
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    The US should get out of Indo-Israeli magic charm

    d*m *** threat. ooohhh india and Israel evil empires, pakistan the reincarnation of luke sky walker hahaha
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    Pakistan's Foreign Exchange Reserves

    thats good news indeed
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    Attack helicopter evaluation trials likely in summer

    ok i actually did not knew that. this is a very good news then. the latest block 3 will be a addition.
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    Attack helicopter evaluation trials likely in summer

    it does not makes any sense because our LCH program is going well and if we check the comparison between apche and our LCH , HAL did a nice job and indian army has already thought of inducting 200+ and IAF not yet confirmed how many, the best plus point of apache is it comes with cluster bombs ...
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    Attack helicopter evaluation trials likely in summer

    wait i know about the Chinooks deal but are you saying that IAF is thinking of buying apache ???? does not makes any sence
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    PAF will not go 5th Generation anytime soon(2030)

    Originally Posted by WAQAS119 I am eying F117 soon, may be in 2012, lol hahaha US has already retired them in 2008. why do u guys always go for second hand retired stuff.
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    India's spy satellite program????

    Indian spy satellite launch was aborted due to US intervene in 2007. i wanted to know where are we now do we have spy satellites , if yes then how many.
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    Roads in New Delhi vs Karachi

    and yeah delhi is a huge city compared it islamabad . and yeah the way islamabad is show in these pics that it is flawless its not true my friend with his family has recently settled there and there is the same case with delhi its still developing and has caught a great pace in developing...
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    Roads in New Delhi vs Karachi

    saw a lot of pics here ,i must say Islamabad has very good road system but in a way we cant compare it to new delhi because 1 ) first of all islamabad is a new city constructed in 1960 and delhi is hundreds of years ago. 2 ) total population of islamabad is 680000 and delhi(NCR) is over...
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