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  1. devil'sadvocate

    Revolutions and search for messiahs

    You assume the technocrats will be any different from these Zardaris and Shareefs. If there are these paragons of virtue in our society, where are they? You don't need a government to bring about change in a society, where are these technocrats now? Replacing one privileged class with...
  2. devil'sadvocate

    Revolutions and search for messiahs

    "Taking to the streets" is going to solve nothing. As bad as our problems seem, the cause of these problems is the our decaying society and a total lack of social awareness. Whatever problems you point out in the the so-called "Elite" of our society, are present to varying degrees in every...
  3. devil'sadvocate

    Curbs on Media: New Bill proposed by MPs

    The more things change, the more they stay the same... Saif-ur-Rehman versus Jang Group – Guest post by Aamir Mughal|Let Us Build Pakistan
  4. devil'sadvocate

    Favourite English Poetry

    The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because...
  5. devil'sadvocate

    Fake Degrees Scandal

    What i meant was that its sad that we have the dishonest morons in the assembly instead of honest people, and because of it, another assembly wouldn't be completing its full term. Also, it would also allow Zardari and co to escape as martyrs and play the Sindh card, something that wouldn't be...
  6. devil'sadvocate

    Fake Degrees Scandal

    The sad thing about this whole sorry affair is that this country desperately needs an assembly to complete its whole term, just for democracy to take root and for people to get used to democratic rules and traditions. Unfortunately its looking impossible at the moment. I don't see this...
  7. devil'sadvocate

    Fake Degrees Scandal

    I don't see how that would work, any law legalizing fraud will be challenged in the courts...
  8. devil'sadvocate

    Monstrosity against freedom of speech of citizens - Internet censorship

    Cafe Pyala: Is Pakistan Run By A Moronocracy?
  9. devil'sadvocate

    Favourite English Poetry

    What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind; In the primal sympathy Which having been must...
  10. devil'sadvocate

    Should the captured militants be killed instead of being put to Trial?

    A very simplistic argument my friend... Rise of criminal activity has more to do with declining socio-economical conditions and less with the failings of our criminal justice system. Although I agree with you, that police reforms and reforms in the lower courts are absolutely necessary if we...
  11. devil'sadvocate

    LHC orders blocking of Google, Yahoo, 7 other sites

    LOL...Court ordered censorship...:rofl: Maybe "Chief Saab" should put political gatherings inside and outside the court on hold for a moment and see what is happening in his own backyard. Retards...:hitwall:
  12. devil'sadvocate

    Why Pakistan is not a nation and how it could become one : Pervez Hoodbhoy

    So you keep your Muslim and Pakistani personalities separate, how very secular of you ;). But how do you manage being a Muslim "first" and Pakistani "second"?. That would be like me saying I am 5'11" first and right handed second. As for the style of living, surely you live a Pakistani...
  13. devil'sadvocate

    The problem with Pakistan's blasphemy laws

    Terrible article. While the blasphemy law is indeed a blot on the face of the Pakistani republic and has been used as a weapon to settle personal grudges, to say that it is the root of all terrorism is preposterous.
  14. devil'sadvocate

    Moments of freedom for Pakistan

  15. devil'sadvocate

    Moments of freedom for Pakistan

  16. devil'sadvocate

    Moments of freedom for Pakistan

  17. devil'sadvocate

    Moments of freedom for Pakistan

    A classic from Junoon... http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3VsCglCMzo&feature=related
  18. devil'sadvocate

    Promotional representation in Pakistan?

    I think he means proportional representation... Proportional representation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It has its advantages, the system can lead to a truly representative parliament, and should theoretically eliminate the need for the political parties to give tickets to unsavory...
  19. devil'sadvocate

    Why is my last name 'Khan' if I am not a Pashtun?

    Having the surname khan does not necessarily make you a Pathan. In Mughal times, the word Khan was used as a title and a mark of honour. Thats why you would find many mughal khans, Rajput khans and even Sindhi khans. Niazi's are pathans but many of them don't use khan as a surname.
  20. devil'sadvocate

    Replacing Mustafa Kamal !

    It appears our good administrator is ill, not "Tun"... Jang Group Online As for having Mustafa Kamal back, at the moment the certain PPPP ministers are making a lot of money through land mafia and illegal building permits, I doubt they would allow the Nazim to return with the powers he...
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