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Moments of freedom for Pakistan

No dude. I meant that the video does not exactly relate to 'freedom' as you wanted the thread to be. It shows a helpless minister of Pakistan giving up. What does it have with freedom or resolve that Pakistan showed?

I am not a very big fan of Bhutto Sr(or for that matter Jr) either. If he did not get killed may be I would have admired his political mind as genius. Now I will just call him great. A lot of Bhuttos' popularity is because of the political vacuum there was, as can be inferred from BB's last meetings despite the corruption charges against her.
There are several point of views, one as said below. Some people say that if he wouldn't have walked off the UN would've forced India to release Dhaka. Although Bhutto who left for Berkeley before Pakistan's independence at a time of high racism in the west, and became a victim of racism was convinced that the powers of the time would not rule in Pakistan's favor.

Before this time, Pakistan had NO identity. People say that Pakistan was really modern in the 60s but its partly because Throughout Ayub's years it was totally subservient to the US not because it chose to be modern. Bhutto won the ticket to his election win in Sindh and Punjab through promises of freedom and deciding its own foreign policy.

A lot of the remnants of the old All India Muslim League (non-feudals and intellectuals) joined him. So in context of all that, showing the finger to the security council by nothing but a satellite state of the US was a big show of defiance.

"So what if you destroy Pakistan... We will build a new Pakistan ... and fight for another 100 years". This line rings true to the fact that Pakistan is not a country but an idea and you can't destroy that idea.
First time in our history Someone spoke like this to an in office president.

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Guys, you all know youtube is banned here in Pakistan but you keep embedding these videos making us more anxious what'd be in those videos. I can understand that people outside Pakistan can watch it but remember this is a Pakistani Defense Forum and we being in Pakistan have every right to be look after in this matter. :D

Women sewing clothes for the displaced people in the newly made Pakistan. Fatima Jinnah is shown in the center.

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