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  1. Dance

    Sharjeel memon & Pir Mazhar beaten by Angry Mob !!

    As Saroor Ijaz said: "Sharjeel Memon got a little taste of revenge of those who want to take revenge from democracy."
  2. Dance

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    I'm concerned about the security situation That is also true!
  3. Dance

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    Intelligence reports have confirmed that several terrorist outfits have planned attacks on the January 14 long march of Minhajul Quran International (MQI). Long march: In the name of security, mobile services suspended – The Express Tribune Why is he putting the lives of the ordinary...
  4. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Rental Raja is finally at Alamdar road in Quetta
  5. Dance

    Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan

    Maybe you should follow your advice own "Plz hit your head against smtg hard or ask someone to slap you." Because can you point out where the hell I wrote a 10 page essay on Saudi/Iran? :rolleyes: You asked why does Pakistan role out the red carpet for Saudi Arabia and I answered.
  6. Dance

    Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan

    Right. To be fair Saudi Arabia has helped out Pakistan in the past, but at a cost. The Pakistani government needs to get themselves together and stop taking aid from other countries and Saudi Arabia should interfere in Pakistan. And yes the OIC is a useless organization
  7. Dance

    Malik terms Qadri’s march as “suicide attack on democracy”

    Malik's PPP government is already a major suicide attack on Pakistan. Nothing can be worse than the fruits of democracy they've bestowed on us these past couple of years.
  8. Dance

    Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border

    If you had read, you would have seen that Afghanistan started all this first when they beat up Pakistanis in Afghanistan.
  9. Dance

    Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan

    Government of Pakistan gets massive aid from Saudi Arabia which is why the red carpet is rolled out for them Anyways most people are indifferent to both Saudi Arabia and "mullah" Iran with an exception of a few groups.
  10. Dance

    Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan

    Exactly. We don't need rescuing from a country that doesn't even allow women to drive and where the rights of women and minorities are highly suppressed
  11. Dance

    Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan

    Yes Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan.... by stopping support to terrorist and extremist groups in Pakistan.
  12. Dance

    Quetta: Imran Khan, Joins The Protest Against Hazara Killings.

    Have to admire him on his stance. No other political party,including the self proclaimed "liberal and secular" PPP (which in reality is far from being liberal and secular) has taken any concrete stance on this tragedy.
  13. Dance

    Call Army stop Shia genocide, We are All Hazara !!

    Not only politicians and generals, but the general population too. General population is divided and only care about their own religious/ethnic group. With no national cohesion, then there will be no one to push for the countries national interest
  14. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he doesnt return from wherever he is. PPP might make him resign due to public pressure, but in the end they'll replace him with another corrupt person and the cycle will begin again.
  15. Dance

    Call Army stop Shia genocide, We are All Hazara !!

    No they are too busy in that TUQ drama. Either they have been threatened or they're extremely corrupt. And no one should hold their breath for PPP to do anything, they did nothing after two members of their party were murdered (Bhatti and Taseer) so what makes anyone think they will do justice...
  16. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    I'm confused. Is it still governors rule in Balochistan or has the army been called in?
  17. Dance

    Call Army stop Shia genocide, We are All Hazara !!

    That's good, I think hes the only leader who is taking action and said something. I'm not in Pakistan right now or else I would definitely have attended the protests. I did encourage my family/friends to go to them.
  18. Dance

    BLA Watch

    FC/Army should really also have some sort counter response to all these Baloch "leaders" who go to social media/news outlets and use propaganda about how FC/Army is committing mass atrocities, yet these so called "leaders" are totally innocent and dont kill anyone based on ethnicity
  19. Dance

    Call Army stop Shia genocide, We are All Hazara !!

    Word is that Imran Khan will be in Quetta tomorrow? He's already at the protest thats going on in Lahore. @Leader is it true?
  20. Dance

    Call Army stop Shia genocide, We are All Hazara !!

    Kudos to these people. I'm happy to hear a lot of non-Hazara people also showed up to support. There's another protest being started in Karachi in front of the press club too.
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