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  1. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    They should not let them go!! They'll just do something like this again and it'll be sending out a message to terrorists that they can also do this.
  2. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    Pakistan is in a war, you have to make tough and even unpopular decisions. Plus they need to start controlling the media because at this point theres no difference between them and the terrorists. By letting this go on for too long, I'm afraid that the ISD police set a bad precedent. You...
  3. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    I understand the police's predicament, but what happens if tomorrow the TTP shows up with a bunch of women and children and demanded the same thing? Would the same situation thats happening now, occur again?
  4. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    His wife may be a threat too. I heard that she said her kids would be "Mujhaids"
  5. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    If the gut is willing to stand there for 20 years will the police also stand there for 20 years? Shoot him (they can do just to disarm him) and get it over with, what a ridiculous situation.
  6. Dance

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    I feel like the old generation (the generation right after partition) did have have a lot of the traits the British people were admired for such cleanliness, discipline, and just running things in a proper manner. Don't know what happened to that. Theres a reason why South Asia scores low in...
  7. Dance

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    Pakistani newspapers (except for Dawn) show third class journalism a lot of times. Theres no discipline in South Asia. Thats why nothing runs properly there
  8. Dance

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    Yes, at this point TOI is not taken seriously. I rather read the Hindu, at least they still uphold proper journalistic standards
  9. Dance

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    Youtube is a mess, but comments on newspapers are supposed to be moderated. I have rarely in fact ever seen Pakistanis abusing Indians they way they abuse us on their news papers. Even Pakistani newspapers have more Indian comments and abuse then Pakistani ones (Express tribune is a good...
  10. Dance

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    I love how they are abusing Pakistan even though Pakistan has nothing to do with this incident. Height of obsession!
  11. Dance

    Wasim Akram May be arrested For Keeping His fiannce' With out Nikkah

    Wait so did the police actually say that or is the Molvi only "advocating" this? Didn't watch the video
  12. Dance

    Gangs target flag stalls: As Pakistan turns 67, violence erupts in Sindh

    A few criminals equals all of Sindh now? :disagree:
  13. Dance

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Pakistanis love to show off about how they are "better" Muslims then every one else. Yet stealing, killing, lying, and corruption is rampant in Pakistan and these things are strictly forbidden in Islam. The thing is that society in Pakistan programs people to be that way, theres no concept...
  14. Dance

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    I'll take a stab at your question. I feel like most Pakistanis like to "talk the talk" but don't "walk the walk". Pakistanis like to show off how religious they are around others, but they don't actually practice what they preach. I can't even count how many Pakistanis that I know who act...
  15. Dance

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Well said :tup:
  16. Dance

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    But people have to start being rational, the concept of live and let live is not present in Pakistan
  17. Dance

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Yes thats another book thats on my list. I said this on another thread, if only Jinnah lived longer the Pakistan we see today would be so different. A good different I think. Indians were lucky that Nehru lived a good amount of years after partition.
  18. Dance

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    I have but very briefly back in school. I've been meaning to read more about Iqbal and Jinnah, haven't had time yet. I've purchased Stanley Wolpert's book on Jinnah, look forward to reading that
  19. Dance

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Thanks, I will look into it.
  20. Dance

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    Wow I hope Egypt doesn't turn into another Syria! Can an Egyptian or someone who is knowledgable about the situation tell me whats going on?
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