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  1. Dance

    ANA soldiers dragging dead body of a Taliban

    And Afghan narcotics army Anyways this thread demonstrates why afghanistan keeps failing. These people see everything through an ethnic lens
  2. Dance

    TTP claims responisibilty of Fakhrul Islam's murder

    Thats different and has always been going on. I meant that there has been really no TTP presence in interior Sindh.
  3. Dance

    India’s influence wanes on world stage

    Since when has India been "influential" on the world stage?
  4. Dance

    TTP claims responisibilty of Fakhrul Islam's murder

    Whats scary is that they were able to do this in Sindh (leaving aside Karachi) the province has been free from extremism and militants
  5. Dance

    Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

    They've been fighting and killing each other for 100's of years, I don't really have any hope for them.
  6. Dance

    Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

    I agree. The Pakistani government needs to get serious and stop bowing down to afghan wishes. They shouldn't be dictating anything to us.
  7. Dance

    Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

    afghan Pashtuns are not any better. They have delusions that we're "occupying" their territory
  8. Dance

    Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

    A lot of the locals dont even like them because they steal jobs and commit a lot of crimes. Yes they do the jobs that Pakistanis would not be willing to do but we dont owe afghans anything. They should go back and try to build their country instead of living off of us
  9. Dance

    Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

    Yes but we have to think about our own citizens first. Plus more and more people are starting to find out how afghans really are and they are becoming widely disliked by many Pakistanis. You can't be sympathetic to people who wish you ill.
  10. Dance

    Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

    I wish the Pakistani government was more serious in sending these people back.
  11. Dance

    Egypt satirist faces new probe for ‘insulting Pakistan’

    Am I the only one who doesn't understand how he insulted Pakistan? He made fun of the hat Morsi was wearing, how does making fun of the hat equal to insulting Pakistan?
  12. Dance

    Pakistan’s Jewish Ghosts

    I would love it if they came back, but standard of life is better for them in Israel than in Pakistan for now so I doubt they would want to come back.
  13. Dance

    Pakistan’s Jewish Ghosts

    I regret that the Jews of Pakistan left or any group that left Pakistan. Diversity is what makes Pakistan unique, we should fight to keep Pakistan's diversity intact.
  14. Dance

    Pakistan’s Jewish Ghosts

    I dont think most Pakistanis would approve of ousting any Jews from Pakistan. A lot of Jews left for Israel when it was created and not necessarily due to discrimination purposes. I mean if there is still one Jewish person living in Afghanistan, then I'm sure there are still Jews left in Pakistan
  15. Dance

    Pakistan’s Jewish Ghosts

    Does the author have any proof to say that election commission is wrong about the number of Jews in Pakistan?
  16. Dance

    Why Pakistan's Mohammed Ali Jinnah Was No Nelson Mandela: Kapil Komireddi

    This sentence shows the authors delusions. We are not and never were one people. Both Pakistan and India make up different ethnic groups, so no we are not the same
  17. Dance

    Anti-sectarian posts

    Can we also ban the phrase "madrassa educated" that Indians use to troll?
  18. Dance

    A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

    Thats interesting. Karachi is truly one of the most diverse cities in the region
  19. Dance

    Pakistani youth favors Sharia Law over Democracy.

    A lot of these survey's are unreliable. If the results of this survey are true, then why are people of the younger population highly in favor of people like Imran Khan?
  20. Dance

    Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

    They sided with and fought for Pakistan, so I think they should have the right to come if they want to. If they don't want to come, then thats fine. Yeah but you'll find many Punjabi/Baloch/Sindhi/ Pashtun people who say the same thing he says even today.
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