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Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

why isnt he kicked from pakistan after what he believes and deport him to bangladesh? infact those bengalis who arnt patriotic be kicked out to bangladesh?

Theres a lot of non-Bengali people in Pakistan who believe what he does too. As long he isn't conspiring against the state or anything, I dont see the harm
Theres a lot of non-Bengali people in Pakistan who believe what he does too. As long he isn't conspiring against the state or anything, I dont see the harm

but those non bengali are present even before the formation of bangladesh
They're no longer "stranded" and Bangladesh is integrating them into Bangladeshi society, case closed.

They sided with and fought for Pakistan, so I think they should have the right to come if they want to. If they don't want to come, then thats fine.

but those non bengali are present even before the formation of bangladesh

Yeah but you'll find many Punjabi/Baloch/Sindhi/ Pashtun people who say the same thing he says even today.
& what should be done to the afghans ? give them nishan-e-imtiaz for their beautiful & romantic contribution to the Pakistani society, whose music we as a nation are so anxiously listening in the form of daily bomb blasts & ever so tragically melodic rhythms of law & order situations

Scroll above, i said get rid of the afghan scum too, do read my good fellow before you open your mouth, blind hatred wont get you no where.
They're no longer "stranded" and Bangladesh is integrating them into Bangladeshi society, case closed.

hold it there' not so fast ,

they are recognized stranded refugees according the U.N & are rightfully waiting to be repatriated to Pakistan, whether anybody likes it or not. you can argue all you want, wont change a dime ! fact is they are an internationally recognized refugees according with the U.N & their case cant be declared closed by some insignificant poster whims.

till you come up with a UNHCR mandate I don't see you being important enough to continue this discussion

why isnt he kicked from pakistan after what he believes and deport him to bangladesh? infact those bengalis who arnt patriotic be kicked out to bangladesh?

A lot of Pakistani immigrants in Western countries say similar things should they be kicked out too?

And most of these Bengalis are labourers and fishermen, most of them aren't troublemakers and have been around for decades. If anyone that deserves to be kicked out, its Afghans, Tajiks, Uzbeks who are involved in crime and terrorism.
A lot of Pakistani immigrants in Western countries say similar things should they be kicked out too?

And most of these Bengalis are labourers and fishermen, most of them aren't troublemakers and have been around for decades. If anyone that deserves to be kicked out, its Afghans, Tajiks, Uzbeks who are involved in crime and terrorism.

well those paks also deserve to be kicked like these ones and all trouble making/unpatriotic tajiks, afghans also need to be kicked
hold it there' not so fast ,

they are recognized stranded refugees according the U.N & are rightfully waiting to be repatriated to Pakistan, whether anybody likes it or not. you can argue all you want, wont change a dime ! fact is they are an internationally recognized refugees according with the U.N & their case cant be declared closed by some insignificant poster whims.

till you come with a UNHCR mandate I don't see it important enough to continue this discussion

UN to take initiative to solve problems of stranded Pakistanis | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Thirty plus years have passed and they have not been repatriated and Pakistan has said it will not take in additional refugees or persons in Bangladesh. Nobody cares what the UNHCR mandate states, maybe UN can create them a state within Bangladesh like they created a state for the European Jews, Israel.

Again, 30+ years have passed, time for you to accept reality.
well those paks also deserve to be kicked like these ones and all trouble making/unpatriotic tajiks, afghans also need to be kicked

That's not what I meant. For example if a Pakistani immigrant in the US says the US should apologize for its drone program, should he be kicked out? Speaking out against you're government or you're country's war crimes dont make you less patriotic.
Well if they are bangalis from before 1971 and chose to live in Pakistan and didnt went to Bangladesh then they are Pakistanis And if they haven't still given citizenship, they should be given! Most bangalis call other bangalis to Karachi from bangladesh illegally should be deported like the indian fishermen!
That's not what I meant. For example if a Pakistani immigrant in the US says the US should apologize for its drone program, should he be kicked out? Speaking out against you're government or you're country's war crimes dont make you less patriotic.

you said afghanis and tajiks spread crimes and terrorism be deported

but pakistani immigrants in US and europe do crimes too, how of them are deported to pakistan?
you said afghanis and tajiks spread crimes and terrorism be deported

but pakistani immigrants in US and europe do crimes too, how of them are deported to pakistan?

Yeah I agree Afghans and Tajiks should be deported. And as for immigrants committing crime and not being deported. Well if they are legally there then no need to be deported but in the West illegals caught committing crime are usually deported.
Thirty plus years have passed and they have not been repatriated and Pakistan has said it will not take in additional refugees or persons in Bangladesh. Nobody cares what the UNHCR mandate states, maybe UN can create them a state within Bangladesh like they created a state for the European Jews, Israel.

Again, 30+ years have passed, time for you to accept reality.

till you come up with a UNHCR mandate I don't see you being important enough to continue this discussion

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...over-violence-bangladesh-2.html#ixzz2PM2Ij7dI

A lot of racism in this thread, immigrants aren't the problem, the government is the problem.
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