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  1. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Whats going on in Karachi?
  2. Dance

    Disappointed Pakistanis

    Well at least PTI will be in opposition so they'll be able to give shrek a hard time, which means he won't be able to get away with stupid decisions easily.
  3. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    No, but you said that PML was leading in the other provinces. They're far from that.
  4. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Okay but PTI won majority of the seats there. Including the most important one: Peshawar
  5. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    They lost in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Sindh. And if they did win, it was only one or two seats. That mindset will only go away when the winning party doesnt depend on one province.
  6. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    PTI in my opinion comes close to that. At least they didnt just win one province!
  7. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Its not dangerous, its the truth. If PML-N was a national party, they would have won seats in other provinces too. But they only won due to population size I'm tired of provincial and ethnic parties winning elections.
  8. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Sorry but why should a party of Punjab rule over Pakistan? PML-N didn't even win in any of the other provinces I thought people would wake up when a party of Sindh almost destroyed Pakistan
  9. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Did MQM win all the seats from Karachi? I heard they were going to vote again there due to the massive rigging that occurred
  10. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    No respect for Lahore. Can anyone tell me what the situation is like in Karachi. I hope Karachi doesnt let me down!
  11. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    PPP is ahead of PTI now? Wow people in Pakistan just keep proving how stupid they are
  12. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Welcome to nawaz sharif's Pakistan!
  13. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Exactly. Also remember Nawaz also brought Pakistan to the point of bankruptcy. How I wish Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was in majority and not Punjab. We would have seen different results!
  14. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Nawaz was a protege of Zia ul Haq and has full backing from the Saudi monarchy. We're going to go backwards instead of forward.
  15. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    i wonder if PML-N will ban music like it did when nawaz was last PM?
  16. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Welcome to a Ganjha Pakistan!
  17. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    KPK will see the Naya Pakistan first!
  18. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    I'm seeing bankruptcy and terrorism for Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif sucked as prime minister the first two times, he will fail again.
  19. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Well at least we know Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will be okay. I'll bet people will start going to Peshawar now instead of Lahore!
  20. Dance

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Exactly only one province of Pakistan wanted him to win. He's hasn't done well in the other provinces
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