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  1. N


    the all i am saying is that there is no reason why football shouldnt be played in south asia. i know its a rough game but i see men love this game and i was wondering why there is no teams called "lahoreunited" or "mubmbaimasala" i dont know what i am saying but i guess foot ball is a very good...
  2. N


    i have got a friendly question guys.:wave: why no one plays football in india and pakistan?:undecided: why this games is not being played in south asia.?;) its not like i like this game but i am just curious.:tongue:
  3. N

    An introduction evening....every one is welcome....

    and oh bytheway i am nina nice to meet you.....
  4. N

    An introduction evening....every one is welcome....

    this is an introduciton thread and several things are being discussed here including dating marriage and relationships.......and i personaly dont think that is funny or any thing........
  5. N

    An introduction evening....every one is welcome....

    yes i agree but at the same time it surprises me a lot that at the american men dont think like that in fact american and european men love to date south asian women. i have so many european british and american male friends they always tell me how much they will like to go out with someone...
  6. N

    An introduction evening....every one is welcome....

    sorry i dont like being a laughing stock. and i am sure neither do any of you. yes i dont use these forums any more because people here were extremely rude to me at times and for no apparant reasons my threads were being deleted neither was is nice nor fun any more.
  7. N

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    i have had enough of this bull **** by and take care
  8. N

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    oh yes jk i am afraid i have to tell you yes there is matrix lots of em. there are also ghosts and fairies..... have you guys ever had someone disappear right in front of your eyes.?
  9. N

    Happy Boy Adu

    too much details adux mate.......
  10. N


    emirates is the best.
  11. N


    i didnt know that yeah but neo how do you know you are from nether lands. do you come to pakistan a lot.?isalmabad.
  12. N

    Happy Boy Adu

    whats new with your girl friend adux mate. did you get back togather with her or exploring new avenues.?
  13. N

    Paris Air Show, Le Bourget 2007

    come on adux dont be so gay...... even i didnt notice that.lol
  14. N


    i dont like to fly with PIA there male staff is very unproffessional. they try to chat you up.
  15. N

    Kashmir to have trains in 6 months from now

    i would love to travel in the train thou. but i am not too sure if it is safe..
  16. N

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    neither nina was xman or neither she is a man is it some kinna james bond movie going on here or what. how embarrasse you all would be if you were to find out that i realy am a woman can you imagine. i saw xman here on this site just like you guys did..... use your own imagination and make...
  17. N

    UK terror plot: Indian doctor arrested

    its ok intruder adux can be rude sometimes just ignore him.....i understand what you are saying. and agree with you .......i strongly believe having studied psychology that terrosrists are mostly mentally ill people......a certain type of religious up bringing could be to blame.
  18. N

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    i was going to say i could do with staying in the officers mess and go on a plane as well if you dont mind. if you could arange for me too i would be pleased thanks a lot. nina
  19. N

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    have you got a problem with me.? mind your own business.
  20. N

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

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