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  1. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Hitler isn't defined by his hatred for Jews and neither are Muslims. It is a fact that Christianity is the most anti-Jewish religion in history. How can Jews survive in Yemen for 1500 years if Islam was intrinsically anti-Jewish? When Christians ethnically cleansed Jews and Muslims from Spain...
  2. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Appointment of 19 Generals as Provincial Governors Raises Fears in Egypt CAIRO — Egypt’s new military-appointed government on Tuesday named a roster of generals as provincial governors, raising fears of a return to the authoritarianism of former President Hosni Mubarak. Of the 25...
  3. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Its over 120 deaths now and Egyptians liberals are cheering for the Army. They are more of secular nationalists than liberal. This will only weaken the coup more. Don't forget that its your money that is sponsoring this bloody coup. https://twitter.com/barq_news/status/367536794276855809/photo/1
  4. Algeria

    Foreign Shia militia's fighting in Syria higly underreported in the media

    The point is present a fair objective assessment on the ground and to dispel the myth perpetuated by the media that the conflict is between Syrian national army vs foreign fighters. Almost all Iraqis fighting in Syria came from Iraq after the uprising, under the command of Iraqi Shia organized...
  5. Algeria

    Foreign Shia militia's fighting in Syria higly underreported in the media

    It seems the number of foreign shia fighters exceeded the number of foreign sunni fighters, which is perhaps explained by the fact that shia fighters are paid monthly by the iranian government while sunni fighters get paid nothing. According to recent western intelligence estimates, there are...
  6. Algeria

    Top al-Qaeda commander "Bin Laden of Syria" was killed in Latakia

    Terrorism is a broad term, according to many Hizballah and Iran are terrorists, does that make you a comrade of Osama? What about Israel and the US? I don't support alqaida but he died a Muslim in jihad.
  7. Algeria

    Top al-Qaeda commander "Bin Laden of Syria" was killed in Latakia

    May he rest in peace. How did they know he was a comrade of Osama?
  8. Algeria

    Saudi Arabia Offers Russia Deal For Backing Off Assad Support

    Since when your king took soceity into consideration? Does he hold votes on issues? or maybe conduct large surveys? Doesn't your society have "concern" over the thousands of political prisoners in jail? Oh no, your society is most concerned about the dangers of female driving!!:astagh:
  9. Algeria

    Saudi Arabia Offers Russia Deal For Backing Off Assad Support

    When the "custodian of the 2 holy mosques" agrees to build a secret US base in KSA to launch drones that kill Yemeni civilians, then he is called a slave. Instead of bribing Russia to back off, they should rely on themselves to tip the battle, given the 10s of billions they have in Geneva.
  10. Algeria

    KSA, GiP Chief in Russia holding talks on Mideast.

    Who talked about waging war? And are you saying you will go to war after western approval? lol Syrians don't need your American dependent army, they need weapons which you have been begging the west for.
  11. Algeria

    KSA, GiP Chief in Russia holding talks on Mideast.

    The article is slightly biased I agree, but why doesn't KSA rely on it self for once? Doesn't it have enought money & weapons?!
  12. Algeria

    KSA, GiP Chief in Russia holding talks on Mideast.

    KSA is too incompetent to handle the Syrian issue. I suggest to Bandar to at least for once rely on themselves. But then again, I'm not surprised. **Saudi Arabia Tries to Cut a Deal ** **With Russia Regarding Syria** Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal recently accused Russia...
  13. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    No its true. theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/26/egypt-morsi-investigation-hamas-collusion Stop lying he did NOT escape from prison!! There is something called internet, he phoned authorities from the jail saying "I am staying here we don't run what should we do?". It was aired on Al Jazeera a...
  14. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    They charged him with leaking information to Hamas!! It is a calculated message to Israel and USA, and so Kerry 2 days ago complemented the army for moving Egypt to democracy! If they win any future elections, the brotherhood should remove the deep state as a first priority.
  15. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    I thought you were confident the majority are against him? that way the crisis ends and no more Egyptian blood spilled no matter who wins. I simply am amazed how Egyptian liberal youth support the bloody crackdown on the majority of population! 9 of the new government ministers are Mubarak...
  16. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Then the solution is simple. Release him and hold presidential elections as soon as possible. Otherwise its a coup against the will of Egyptian people NOT democracy. Also, you have to lift the ban on pro Mursi media.
  17. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    It has been confirmed that the numbers of June 30 protests against Mursi was 1.5 million max in Cairo, so nationally the number can't be more than 4 million. The 30 million number was 100% fabricated according to every specialist. Many reports confirmed this: youtube.com/watch?v=iEfsd-D8c9Q...
  18. Algeria

    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    Recognizing the End of the Chinese Economic Miracle By George Friedman Major shifts underway in the Chinese economy that Stratfor has forecast and discussed for years have now drawn the attention of the mainstream media. Many have asked when China would find itself in an economic crisis...
  19. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    No but based on the reactions on social media, most Saudis believe their government supported the coup. Can you deny that your government hates the brotherhood? Can you deny that the brotherhood advocate Islam and Sharia? So your government is an enemy of Islam and Munafiqeen.
  20. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    The Saudi backed coup was imposed by force on Egyptians.
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