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  1. W

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    dude, i am not discussing pakistani opinion. i am talking about indian public opinion and no one here blames naxal and maoist attacks on pakistan, thats just some fringe junk. anyway, the thread is to discuss evolution of indian public opinion and lets stick to that.
  2. W

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    i don't think there is any guilt in India about Kashmir, but as long as there are no terror attacks on the rest of India public opinion will move from possessiveness to indifference very slowly over time, with a few left wing nutters shedding tears too. the number of indians who don't give a...
  3. W

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I am expecting stones being pelted at me by indian members(irony) but do you ever see a generation of Indians growing up, looking at kashmir and saying 'Naah, not worth the bother' ? Discuss under what conditions this is possible, if at all.
  4. W

    String of Samosa

    i don't mind the border disputes with china to remain unsolved for eternity as long as they don't mind the status quo. unlike kashmir, there simply are no people at stake here in the status quo, just land. useless land at that.
  5. W

    Pakistan's S.W.A.T Fighting Taliban - A News Reoprt by Rohit Gandhi

    power corrupts. who wouldn't like to be a local warlord. people who do mercenary acts under the garb of religion are pathologically ill and therefore unreliable.
  6. W

    Pakistan's S.W.A.T Fighting Taliban - A News Reoprt by Rohit Gandhi

    Because the game is dangerous, and some of the insurgents groups who were friendly have turned hostile (due to ideological, geo-political or other factors).
  7. W

    Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia

    Yep, What i am saying is that a smart government could increase science research output by giving the ones who have intrinsic love for the subject good research funding and job security at a larger scale independent of defense needs, as is currently the case in the US. But again...
  8. W

    Defective choppers bought for 182cr

    long live CAG :lol:
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    Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia

    i don't think technological marvels are black swan events. i think their frequency can be controlled. take some very smart people and give them money - things will happen. actually, in places like the US, the profession of finance is sucking out some of the smartest math / physics people who...
  10. W

    Asif Ali Zardari: life and style of Pakistan’s Mr 10 Per Cent

    are there no sane , secular democratic leaders of integrity who can potentially lead pakistan ? (like our MMS)
  11. W

    Indian debt trap in Bangladesh

    dude, 1.75 is not a market credit rate, so risk/reward analysis doesn't apply. its a soft loan. the bang dude just wants it even softer and i don't think he knows how risk / interest rate works anyway.
  12. W

    India has raised the stakes

    Your obsession with Zionism borders on madness. Its not the only factor in american politics. Lets first talk economics 1. Indian NRIs do not benefit due to being indian. What kind of bull **** is that? an NRI has no advantage over a Chinese or East European immigrant or any other kind...
  13. W

    Pakistan's S.W.A.T Fighting Taliban - A News Reoprt by Rohit Gandhi

    its obvious that the pak army will fight armed insurgents belligerent towards it. hardly conclusive enough to believe that there are no terrorist organizations in collusion with isi / pak army anymore. the habit of using armed insurgents for 'strategic purposes' will not go away overnight...
  14. W

    Half of India’s Population Lives Below The Poverty Line

    yeah, governments are going to be corrupt. yet there is hope :cheers:
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    Indian debt trap in Bangladesh

    i got no idea about the politics of this loan nor do i care. i am just saying from a pure economics point of view, this is a good deal.
  16. W

    Half of India’s Population Lives Below The Poverty Line

    yeah, and the solution is market based economic growth with government backed infrastructure development . this is already happening.
  17. W

    Indian debt trap in Bangladesh

    you'd have to pay atleast a 6-7% interest to get a loan from the market, if at all you'll get one. and 1.75 is too much ?
  18. W

    This why China needs a strong navy :

    we're not going to have any more wars. no piece of territory is worth a nuclear blackout.
  19. W

    The Iraq War is over, USA heading home.

    i will also put the responsibility for all 2 million dead on bush and blair. they should've known that iraq is basically an unstable country which will end up in near civil war without a saddam like dictator. thats what happening now and i don't think the new government will be able to stop...
  20. W

    Universities > Top 500 (most recent) by country

    training for that particular exam matters a lot because it has a well defined syllabus and particular pattern of problems. it makes a big difference whether people are trained for 1 month or 2 years for an exam. the official indian math syllabus for pre college does not match the IMO syllabus...
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