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  1. black tiger

    China's Predator DRONES ??

    HALE UAV- High Altitude Long Endurance uav. MALE UAV Medium Altitude Long Endurence
  2. black tiger

    Pak Mi-17 Heli crashes

    I think this is the second mi-17 u have lost in this campaign, continuous operations seem to be taking their toll, it's high time u get some new choppers. May the dead rest in peace.
  3. black tiger

    Gates Warns Japan Not to Back Out of Troop Deal

    Dude the refueling was done by japanese naval tankers in indian ocean not in mailnland japan. It was an important mission for japan as after a very long time their navy played a role in a war in indian ocean region. Regards....
  4. black tiger

    Suicide Attack at PAC Kamra

    May the victims rest in peace and the attackers burn in hell. Amen.
  5. black tiger

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    In the above photo some soldiers carry G-3 and some carry AK47 will it not cause logistic problems, any way they all seem to have body armour and kevler helmets that should reduce casualities. But they badly need a modern assault rifle as both these rifles are outdated. Regards.
  6. black tiger

    Standard Bullet proof Jacket & helmet of PA.

    Hi, go to general defence section and in the first page u will see a thread titled BODY ARMOUR started by varigeo it has all the required info.
  7. black tiger

    Italians bribed Taliban to avert attacks

    Well i am reminded of a world war 2 photo showing a lone teenage homeguard and about half a dozen italian soldiers who had surrenderd to him and were being led away to confinement. Well nothing seems to have changed in all these years. Regards.....
  8. black tiger

    blast near sadar area on police station in Peshawar

    Taimikhan sir take care. May God bless your nation and protect the people from this daily tragedy, it's time u guys teach some unforgettable lessons to these terrorist *****.
  9. black tiger

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    hi, AESA will only increase the price , at this stage it is more important to have better engine and more hardpoints, as there wont be much use for AESA if u cant carry enough missiles. regards.........
  10. black tiger

    BMC Military trucks...

    What about ur local companies like hinopak, don't they make anything similar. Regards.....
  11. black tiger

    Taliban being airdropped in the Afghanistan's Northern corridor !?!?

    Hm, i want to know what karzai is smoking, so one of these days i can try it....:cheers:
  12. black tiger

    China offers counter-terrorism system to Pakistan

    What exacthly is this counter terrorism system is it some intel gathering system or some new weapons. Thanks...
  13. black tiger

    Standard Bullet proof Jacket & helmet of PA.

    Hi, There is an entire thread about this topic in general defence section, search it, you will find all u need. Regards...
  14. black tiger

    Kerry-Lugar bill interference in Pakistan’s affairs: ANP

    Hi, you r joking right, well for starters they r not afghanistan and they have nukes, americans can talk all they want and they can indeed cause quite some damage but they must be prepared to pay the price but i very much doubt they r willing to take that risk, anyway it's all a game and let's...
  15. black tiger

    Of unarmed hostages and two brave Commandos

    "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13. May God bless them ,and grant them eternal peace. Amen.
  16. black tiger

    Turkey Kicked out Israel from Anatolian Eagle 2009

    One thing to consider is turkey shares a border with iran, and israel was itching to bomb them, well just thinking.......
  17. black tiger

    Carl Gustav or RPG

    Hi, Both the conflict's u mentioned involved urban fighting where the ranges are small and possibilities exsist for firing multiple shots, but here we are talking about the needs of PA and in indo pak scenario any wars will be fought mainly in desert where the possibility for ambushes is low as...
  18. black tiger

    Carl Gustav or RPG

    Hi, Yes it is true that there are tandem warheads but their level of penetration is nowhere near that of newer rpg variants with 105mm rocket. Further they both have limited range. But most armies continue to field them as they are cheap and can still take out light armour and older t series...
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