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  1. S

    A spy unsettles US-India ties

    what piece of bullcrap is this?
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    US-Pak negotiations on nuclear cooperation?

    and to be honest it would have been veery difficult to get passed by the US senate anyways, especially now when they are trying to derail Obama on everything and think he is a secret Muslim, as if being Muslim is a bad thing. Atleast Bush strong armed everything he wanted done.
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    US-Pak negotiations on nuclear cooperation?

    oh great, they wanna talk about kheti bari.
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    US-Pak negotiations on nuclear cooperation?

    SECOND THIS!! As I recall it was the Indian media who even reported this in the beginning and now they are reporting that their earlier report was false?? WTF?
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    Arjun News & Discussions

    has this piece of junk started moving yet?
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    US-Pak negotiations on nuclear cooperation?

    Pakistan cant be the only one going peace peace and letting India use our railways when they wont even want Pakistan to have the same energy deal that they wanted for their people. How horrible is that?
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    Pak to give India railway access to Central Asian states

    While I agree with you and your personal views, unfortunetly your wider populace and the media does not. I just commented on an Indian news story which asks the U.S. to think twice about making a nuclear energy deal with Pakistan the way it did with India. Because ... well you can guess the...
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    US-Pak negotiations on nuclear cooperation?

    And here comes backbiting. Right on que.
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    Stop building settlements say 49% of Americans

    I think this recent diplomatic row has brought light to the Israeli guile for a lot of Americans. And that in turn is broadening the spectrum from those who will support Israel no matter what and above everything else, from those who recognize that Israel might not be the the "friend" everyone...
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    Strains in US/Israel 'special relationship'

    this recent AIPAC conference seems to suggest there are no problems at all.
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    US-Pak negotiations on nuclear cooperation?

    and if we all know of just one thing about India, it is that it cares OH SO MUCH about WORLD PEACE. lmao.
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    Pak to give India railway access to Central Asian states

    I have never herd of any plans to put a pipeline under the ocean. This sounds like loony toon cartoon plan to me. and secondly, land or sea. The pipeline will have to go through Pakistani territory. India was offered partnership for this pipeline but it opted out so now the pipeline is for...
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    Water or War

    The "tactic" of stealing water is also ILLEGAL and India can be taken to court under international law!!!!!
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    Water or War

    If you shoot a burgler trying to rob your house, the burgler doesnt then get your house. The point I am trying to make is that it is wrong what India is doing and if this comes to a point where people are dying because of the water that doesnt belong to India then they will chose to die...
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    Water or War

    i say we take of the dams ourselves and let the Indian gov cry about it later.
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    Water or War

  17. S

    Pak to give India railway access to Central Asian states

    we are doing this while India violates the Indus treaty.
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    you are right about the gun thing. just look where the gun on Dhruv comes from. France!!
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    Pak to give India railway access to Central Asian states

    Agreed. I dont see any reason to give them access to our railways, other than their economic dependancy on us, when India undermines and attacks Pakistan both diplomatically and physically at every chance it gets.
  20. S

    Astronauts to stay in closed chamber for 520 days

    I dont know if there will be enough space for all those things for each person in a space pod, lol. I am guessing they will keep busing conducting experiments. :agree:
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