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Water or War

When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

  • 2011

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • 2010

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • 2012

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • 2015

    Votes: 10 24.4%

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i say we take of the dams ourselves and let the Indian gov cry about it later.
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n also dont forget these jihadi's :smokin: they will also bang u just like they did with russian's super power of that time :devil: :azn:

now dont say ur su30's can track jihadi's n can stop them :what:

achha ..Afganistan banna chahate ho! bano ..bano.
u can kill us lol :devil: USSR was a great super power they were unable to hande jihadis if u take over us then how u gona manage a country which have more population then afghanistan :devil:

Oh yes

Lets go on another defence agreement this time also with Russia.

So payback is pending from Russia
Afghans also have eyes on certain parts
Evil Indians are already your enemies
Evil Americans want your nuclear weapons
Evil Zionists want to destroy you.
Europeans hate you

Oh god we have hell lot of supporters as you have jehadis.

But wait last time your jehadi tried something.....ok forget it...everytime your jehadi tried something you guys ended up getting more screwed more sanctionized. try it again.
i say we take of the dams ourselves and let the Indian gov cry about it later.

Yups then we can easily plug out the entire supply then as a retaliatory measure and you guys say HI to international sanctions. we will be the poor victims of your agression

Little Advise: Brawn are good but should not fight with the brain,
water war .... pakistan will not wage any war on india but will do it throught diplomacy ..... and if that dosent work bring out the guns!!!

Bring out guns and then what??Face bigger guns?Recently read an article that India is actually using only 1/4th of the quantity alloted to them.
These dams will be a target for the Pakistan military if there will be another Pak-Indo war.

Anyone up for some airstrikes?
Browsed thru the entire thread & have been left nothing but astonished. Indian posters here are tired now, posting articles quoting Pakistan's own ministers that India is not violating the IWT. I have recently seen 3 to 4 threads in last two weeks in this regards. Yet the Pakistani posters, ever so naive & gullible, don't stop believing that India is actually blocking their water. 'Evidences' given are - River A had large amount of water 5 years ago, and now it has turned dry......I mean - what the heck!!

And even funnier is - every other Pakistani fanboy actually believes that they can attack the dams anytime & get away with no repercussions. I don't know what that stems from, pure ignorance or false patriotism. Pakistani administration has been immensely successful in diverting the attention of their populace to a strawman from the prevalent issues at hand. Non-existent Indian boogeyman, but ever so omnipresent in the minds of ordinary people :lol:
These dams will be a target for the Pakistan military if there will be another Pak-Indo war.

Anyone up for some airstrikes?

YUP. There is a group in India called the Indian Air Force. They might be 'up for it'. Will give them an excuse to field test their new MKIs :D

Seriously dude, you are talking as if air strikes on dams are like bursting firecrackers on diwali. Attack on dams is attack on strategic interests of a nation.

Besides, even if pak airstrike succeeds, what will happen to all that water the dams retained? it will just come pouring into pakistan, destroying everything in its wake. And then the whole world will criticise pakistan for drowning its own people!

so far there has been no evidence of india holding pakitani waters against indus water treaty. Because if there was, Pakistan would have gone to world bank, and world bank would have forced India to release the water.
I think Pak govt is not serious on water issue. I was watching Geo and Ary news the situation in all major rivers and dams in Pak is grim. As India can not attack Pakistan directly. This tactics of stoping water will be usefull to pressurise Pak to give hafid sayed and other terrorist leader to India and destroy teroor camps in Pak-held-Kashmir.
Yups then we can easily plug out the entire supply then as a retaliatory measure and you guys say HI to international sanctions. we will be the poor victims of your agression

If you shoot a burgler trying to rob your house, the burgler doesnt then get your house.

The point I am trying to make is that it is wrong what India is doing and if this comes to a point where people are dying because of the water that doesnt belong to India then they will chose to die fighting rather than sitting on their a*ses.
There is not point giving evidence, it seems like some people are more interested in fan boy stuff then any discussion here.
The other day I posted a video where a Pakistani doctor told that people get excited when Zaid Hamid tell them we will win Delhi, but they never think if that is doable.

These people are new bread on internet warriors who have no clue about real world but vent their frustration over internet and getting satisfied winning war of words. We call then Frustoo in India.
I think Pak govt is not serious on water issue. I was watching Geo and Ary news the situation in all major rivers and dams in Pak is grim. As India can not attack Pakistan directly. This tactics of stoping water will be usefull to pressurise Pak to give hafid sayed and other terrorist leader to India and destroy teroor camps in Pak-held-Kashmir.

The "tactic" of stealing water is also ILLEGAL and India can be taken to court under international law!!!!!
If you shoot a burgler trying to rob your house, the burgler doesnt then get your house.

The point I am trying to make is that it is wrong what India is doing and if this comes to a point where people are dying because of the water that doesnt belong to India then they will chose to die fighting rather than sitting on their a*ses.

if you are serious use the treaty to solve your issue, the treaty has defined ways to deal with conflict.

Otherwise you are like a person who complains about his home being robbed but never files a complain in police station.
The "tactic" of stealing water is also ILLEGAL and India can be taken to court under international law!!!!!

Well you can't blame India alone for this situatiion. Your leaders never give attention to these issue. You know river comes from Indian side and india is not your friend.why did't your govt make dams and store water during these 62 yrs.If, we can make 30 small and medium dams in our side. Why cant you. More over India is not your friend. she will do everything to surpress Pak. Q is, why your govt kept sittings for years??? who is stoping you to go to international court of justice...

One more info for you. Even UN knows India is stopping water. we have UN inspection every year. Did UN did anything??? answer you know my friend..
Well you can't blame India alone for this situatiion. Your leaders never give attention to these issue. You know river comes from Indian side and india is not your friend.why did't your govt make dams and store water during these 62 yrs.If, we can make 30 small and medium dams in our side. Why cant you. More over India is not your friend. she will do everything to surpress Pak. Q is, why your govt kept sittings for years??? who is stoping you to go to international court of justice...

One more info for you. Even UN knows India is stopping water. we have UN inspection every year. Did UN did anything??? answer you know my friend..

we are ready for another war :sniper:
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