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  1. KENT


    What kind of argument is this? On what basis did you arrive at this conclusion? As responsible nation, many small countries around the subcontinent as well as countries from African nation and Middle East have huge of expectation from responsible country like India in terms of Economic and...
  2. KENT

    Indian Naval News --> IAC on track, Viraat being refurbished

    Dear Sir, It would be much more helpful and economical if you spacify the alternative to project the power as well as to attract world attention. Offcourse, Viraat is pieace of Junk, but right now there is no creadible offense have been in existance so far to inflict any damage to it as...
  3. KENT

    Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

    First of all tell me in which kind of scenario you would like to know about IAF's defensive capability? I mean in terms of present strenght or future strenght. Since you have justifying your truth by taking into consideration PAF's future capability.
  4. KENT

    Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

    We can't prove you wrong, since you are already living in excessive denial and posting some contradictory as well as spontenous statement.
  5. KENT

    Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

    Offcourse Mig-27 doesn't have any means to defend itself against JF-17. Because by the time JF-17 get full inducted in PAF, our Mig-27's would be already be phased out and decorated and shining the entrance of Schools and universities. Now don't tell me you will be able to induct 250 JF-17 by 2015.
  6. KENT

    Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

    One can easily feel a kind of concern and anexiouness from your post even if you are so much confident about your AirSupremacy, Hey guy feel free to elaborate it in detail. Before teaching people around here, go and learn how to comprehand a particuler statement. While explaining the...
  7. KENT

    Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

    Pls elobrate your preposition of How does Mig-27 is outdated and outlived its life to be a real threat in AG ?
  8. KENT

    Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

    Gentlemen, no kind of offence is intended as I naïve to this technical complexity of Air war, but still your high profile statements are quite spontaneous and contradictory. First of all tell me, how did you reasoned out the definition of Air Dominance with regards to MKI? In quite simple...
  9. KENT

    Is Arjun MBT Dead?

    As far as Technology and Sophistaction is concerned Arjun Project is not yet dead, but the doctorine that has perceived by IA in which this particular MBT is not fit in. From the induction of majority of T-90 tank, only signify the fact that there is the previlance of Russian Tank doctrine in...
  10. KENT

    Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

    I would also like to add, what are the prospect of longer and medium range UAV and UCAV in IAF?
  11. KENT

    India eyes key missile defence test

    This is absolutely a great news indeed, this news has made my day.
  12. KENT

    India achieves self-reliance in GSLV technology

    This is certainly a great news as far as india's capability in space application is concerned and this news is comes at the height of india's unmanned moon mission in years to come. I think now we can think about sending some heavy-weight satellite into the space and it can provide significent...
  13. KENT

    Arjun News & Discussions

    Pls tell me on what grounds you are claiming MBT Arjun inferiority with all otherMBT you have mentioned above. On what sorts of technical specification you have arrive at this conclusion. It is wide known fact that MBT Arjun has suffered delay and cost overrrun, but on what basis all this...
  14. KENT

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Hey guy, see inducting T-50 in year of 2015 in IAF and that's even in 40 numbers, is quite wishful thinking on your part. Since T-50 is stealth aircraft which will be direct competitor to F-22 Raptor and F-35. Let the first flight take place, which will be scheduled to be in 2009/10, and then we...
  15. KENT

    indias own tsunami warning system

    It is definately a huge technological leap in Early Tusmani warning system. It would be of great help to fight any natural catastrophe, since region across east asian countries are very vulnerable in terms of unexpected Earthquake in Indian Ocean. Especially region around Sumatra are prone to...
  16. KENT

    Gujrat Muslims' massacar supportd by Govt

    I think you should have to do some research about crediabiliy and credintiles of Lalu Prasad Yadav before blaming the State government for backing the killing of Muslims. All this war of words are only for the political stunts, thereby gaining visibility in public. You should specifically check...
  17. KENT

    Strong navy needed to guard maritime interests: PM

    As for the displacement of US from Indian ocean with arrival Chinese warship is very unrealistic scenario. Since US has made it permanent base at middle east and Afganistan. One of the key Stregegic objective of US was to contain Chinese by inforcing their control over Gulf Oil Reserves...
  18. KENT

    LCA Tejas fires R-73 missile

    Since missile test was conducted at INS HANSA a Indian naval base situated at goa. It highly seems to me since Indian navy come on board the Tejas, it has really accelarted the pace of the LCA Programme. Anyway awaiting to see some target aquisition and BVR test
  19. KENT

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    BANGALORE: The programme to weaponise the indigenous fly-by-wire Light Combat Aircraft Tejas crossed a major milestone on Thursday with a close air combat missile being flawlessly test-fired from the aircraft. Taking off from INS Hansa, the Naval air station in Vasco (Goa), Prototype Vehicle...
  20. KENT

    Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier-Lemon?

    Gentleman, cost escalation has nothing to do with incompetenancy of Indian in determining and estimating cost overrun that will going to creep in. It was all because of serious underestimation of cabling required and alleged diversion of resources from Sevmash Shipyard that was meant for Carrier...
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