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  1. N

    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Hey guys, wait a minute, "Target super-store" in US is selling "purple pumps for dick enlargement", are you kidding me ? i got a store 10 min from my house, the place i shop my grocery, never saw such things ? :undecided:
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    ‘All out war’ threatened over North Korea attack on warship Cheonan

    ‘All out war’ threatened over North Korea attack on warship Cheonan - Times Online A torpedo part recovered from the Yellow Sea in the area in which the South Korean ship the Cheonan sank North Korea has threatened “all out war” if there is any retalation from Seoul for the...
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    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    Is it only Pakistan ? I have no problem for that from US. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93Pakistan_relations
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    Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

    Buddy, eventhough i really appreciate the "Friendship" between both our country, but as a true friend, i need to adjust a little of your useful information, the figures should be "650" million.:cheers: India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation?s Growth - Bloomberg.com
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    Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

    Well, we can start with something like, both nations use "Toilets" and......:azn:
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    Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

    Stop calling Chinese "Kuffar or kafir" keep that to yourself "only" damn it, i learn it in day one in our history class in Hongkong, its not a nice term for us atleast, just like the word "Chinaman" may be some of you thought its the same as "Englishmen", its not a proper word atall to Chinese...
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    Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

    I hope this is not whats you mean; , Kuffar is a highly derogatory Arabic term used to refer to non-Muslims, Urban Dictionary: Kuffar
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Hey old man, I am with you on this issue, no need to bring racism into our "constructive discussions", oh wait whats wrong with me ? supporting our common "enemy" Mr old man ? HaHaHa:cheers:
  9. N

    Ahmadinejad calls for closer India-Iran ties

    "Tales of two Idiots", Indians version #27 28, posting a source from "Voice of America" the official "propanganda machine of USA", you guys cry fouls against source from Dawn news, comparing to VOA, Dawn news is an angel.:rofl::rofl: try harder next time. PS, you got few thanks, so it made a...
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    Ahmadinejad calls for closer India-Iran ties

    Seriously, whats beggar's career ? right to give birth for more beggars ? What "money" for beggar to use you are talking with an "empty stomarch" ? get real please.
  11. N

    Saudi women beat the living crap out of trolling religious cop

    Oh, i am so sorry for my typo, Mr, "Shakespeare" Btw, i won't even bother to look at the link, another BS site, hope you understood whats mean by "creditable" source, every single "link" i provide is considered creditable by public, what about yours ? Please don't be such a bad loser, admit...
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    Saudi women beat the living crap out of trolling religious cop

    Will you please get something right through your thick scull, we are talking about "rape" the worst mistreatment of "women" ever. Found me another country got the reputation of "Rape Capital" like India did, no bull-sh!t please.:rofl::rofl: Delhi: The Rape Capital of India - India - The...
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    Saudi women beat the living crap out of trolling religious cop

    Delhi: The Rape Capital of India - India - The Times of India Since 1971, the incidence of rape in India has increased by a whopping 734%. Yes, that’s 734%. No typo here. (Source: National Crime Records Bureau) Want to talk with me about mistreatments of "women" Beat this...
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    Saudi women beat the living crap out of trolling religious cop

    HaHaHa, running out of bullets ? For pete's sake, give me a break !!! A article from a well known anti-China web-site ? official site of "Falun gong" please stop making a fool out of yourself. I can dig out hundreds of "source" from all those anti-India hate site. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    Saudi women beat the living crap out of trolling religious cop

    So true sino, like i said before, "Mirrors" must be a luxury in India, that may be the reason they never knew their real "image" Look what a great reputation they got; Delhi: The Rape Capital of India - India - The Times of India
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    Saudi women beat the living crap out of trolling religious cop

    My friend, "Raping" is consider the "Worst" abuse to women which is accepted in world-wide standard, so making any nosense speculation won't help. But incase thats true, we still don't belong to the same "League" Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The...
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    Saudi women beat the living crap out of trolling religious cop

    Please cut the craps , if mistreatment of women in China or Saudi are bad, how you classify this ? comparing with India, China andSaudi look like angels. Indian mythology and culture talk of women’s exalted status in society. But the reality is a completely different animal. Throughout...
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    HaHaHa, yes, old man, you are so correct, i am really scare of your boring "Ideology propaganda", you are welcome to offer your "humble opinion" but pretty please, no more "Ideology" craps. Man, be honest, the worst nightmare for our younger generation will be listening to some outdated...
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    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Great news, hope an English version came out soon, but in a way, i am glad its in Chinese, save this thread from our Mr, "Old viet. gambit" came over to troll.:cheers::china: Btw, please provide the "link"
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    Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

    BBC News - India reviews anti-Maoist policy Monday's blast blew the bus to pieces India's government is reviewing its strategy for fighting Maoist rebels after a landmine attack in Chhattisgarh state killed more than 30 people. Most of those killed in Monday's blast, which destroyed a...
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