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  1. Samlee

    Khuzdar: People protest against BLA terrorism

    Reports By Chatham House and US Government Have Shown That The Vast Majority Of The People Of Balochistan Want To Stay with Pakistan.BLA(Bastards Liberation Army) and Co Are Nothing But a Bunch of Hooligans
  2. Samlee

    Pakistan's China connection

    That Is Because We Do Not Make A Media Circus Out Of Our Issues
  3. Samlee

    Ask India transit to China

    Sorry To Go A Bit Out Of Topic But A Similar Idea Is Also Being Floated In Pakistan Nowadays.The Iranians Have Time and Again Asked Pakistan For Transit Access To China.The Government Is Now Seriously Considering Agreeing To This Demand Upon The Condition That Iran Also Allows EU Transit From...
  4. Samlee

    Ask India transit to China

    Janab Hamari Leaders Me Sense aur Vision Naam Ki Cheez Hoti To ASEAN aur EU Hamari Qadmon Ki Khak Na Hote
  5. Samlee

    Ask India transit to China

    What About Getting The Chinese To Build One Of The DMIC Seaports At Dholera or Dighi On On End and Extending The Industrial Corridor to Tibet At The Other End As I Suggested In My First Post. Although The Best Route Is Definitely The Pak China Economic Corridor But The Capacity there esp at...
  6. Samlee

    Ask India transit to China

    Who On Earth Told You That Balochis Want Separation,This Is The The Views Of The Author Of The Article I quoted Based On A Long Cherished Indian Wet Dream.Fact Of The Matter Is That of The 107 Odd Tribes In Balochistan.Only Three Are Up In Arms Bugti Marri and Mengal and There Is Even Division...
  7. Samlee

    Ask India transit to China

    Would You Believe That Your Own Fellow Countrymen Are Dreaming Of An Chinese Trade and Energy Corridor Of Their Own:lol::lol: Exploding Terrorism in Pakistan & Future Gwadar-Kashgar Industrial Corridor Why not a Corridor from an Indian port via Kashmir Below is a very well researched...
  8. Samlee

    Japan - India to build 7 smart cities in India

    First Of All Congratulations.This Is A Project Of Truly Impressive Proportions Secondly,One Question How Will This DMIC Compliment or Blend With The Existing Infrastructure,Do You Have The Likes Of Mumbai Port Trust Adani or Indian Railways On Board In This Project What About The SEZs Already...
  9. Samlee

    Pakistan ambassador in Japan highlights transportation priorities

    Delhi Has Established A World Class Metro Rail System With Japanese Help.We Should Do The Same
  10. Samlee

    Methane Hydrate Release May Have Pushed Up New Island in Arabian Sea

    KARACHI: The earthquake that struck parts of Balochistan and Sindh on Tuesday was followed by the emergence of an island off the coast of Gwadar. “The island popped up soon after the earthquake. Our staff stationed in Gwadar has reported that the island is about one and a half kilometres away...
  11. Samlee

    Methane Hydrate Release May Have Pushed Up New Island in Arabian Sea

    Absolutely,We Were Far Better Under Musharraf tabeat ziada kharab hone ki surat maen doctor nahi dictator se ruju Karein;)
  12. Samlee

    Russian company keen to convert furnace oil power plants to coal

    Only Last Year Pakistan Imported Furnace Oil for Power Generation Worth $14.5 Billion...
  13. Samlee

    PM orders completion of Lahore-Karachi Motorway by 2015

    Fully Agreed Bro Just Riding It Is A Pleasure In Itself
  14. Samlee

    PM orders completion of Lahore-Karachi Motorway by 2015

    Wait A Minute Wasn't Malaysia Supposed To Been Given The Contract For This Malaysian firm to construct Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) OMG What Have These Idiots Done
  15. Samlee

    Coal power in Pakistan gets $700 million investment

    The Samar Mubarak Project Is UCG and Conversion to Deisel from Coal Gasand This Deisel Is To Be Used Directly Not For Electricity.This Thread Is For Power Generation
  16. Samlee

    World’s biggest airport set to open in Beijing in 2017

    Congratulations All The Way
  17. Samlee

    Shale Oil & Gas | The Game changing 'gift of God' to Pakistan.

    India Has 584 tcf of Shale Gas and 96 tcf of which is technically recoverable and 87 bbl of shale oil of which 3.8 bbl is recoverable according to the same report.So Cheer Up Don't Be Sad:cheers:
  18. Samlee

    Peshawar Mass Transit System | KPK govt issues EOI notice.

    Ha Ha Very Funny Now Read This Already 500 Companies Have Shown Interest.This Is What Happens When You Have A Man Of Credibility Like IK at The Head.You Have Trust and Credibility.Everyone Wants To Work With You
  19. Samlee

    Shale Oil & Gas | The Game changing 'gift of God' to Pakistan.

    Respected Niaz Sahib I Am Surprised At You.Normally You Are Quite Skeptic About Any News About Massive Hydrocarbon Reserves In Pakistan Yet You Sound Quite Optimistic in This Regard.We Must Be Very Careful About EIA.In 2011 It Reported 83 tcf Shale Gas in The Alum Shale In Norway.Excited Shell...
  20. Samlee

    Pakistan's Progress In Information And Technology

    3D-animated content: Pakistani company creates animated show for the UAE KARACHI: Pakistani animators are at par with animation artists from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore – countries known for high-quality production of 3D-animated content...
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