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  1. B

    Latest Reports of WikiLeaks

    Though I respect the US for many things, I really laugh at your statements of the US having great "balls". It does not take "balls" to wage war against a country thousands of miles away, thousand times weaker and one that has no power to retaliate. It is like India bombing Somalia or Yemen and...
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    Latest Reports of WikiLeaks

    Consider this: Till the late 1980s, Kashmir was among the most peaceful places in India. Let alone terrorism and insurgency, it was almost crime free. I went to Kashmir in early 1989, just before insurgency began to rear its ugly head. Srinagar was a place where one could take a walk at...
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    Latest Reports of WikiLeaks

    Hawkish: While the civilian deaths should be avoided, do you realize these are not intentional? These deaths are collateral and we regret it. Remember the militants in Kashmir are hiding among the civilians In a long-running insurgency (which is often aided by our neighbour), as much as we...
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    Bangladesh to launch its own satellite

    Don't reply to obvious trolls.
  5. B

    Eliminate all threats to India, US tells Pakistan

    Frankly, it has never been among India's strategic objectives to "take over "or "take back" Pakistan. We were certainly at the gates of Lahore and the city would have fallen if the objective was to press forward. But that has never been India's objective. Apart from some of the lunatic fringe...
  6. B

    Bomb Blast in Pakpattan

    Stealth: Please use google. You will realize that Pakistan has had the Ahmadiya-Shia-Sunni problem from decades. The US has made many mistakes and has caused a lot of harm to Pakistan, directly or indirectly. However, to blame them for such internal troubles is laughable. It is as funny as...
  7. B

    Why Japan tilted towards India

    Sure, I know plenty of Indian "problems" but I happen to know lots of Chinese ones too. So keep that in mind before reminding anything. And by the way, he was curious about the meaning of that phrase and I explained it to him. So why is it causing your rectum to burn?!
  8. B

    Taliban or americans ?

    They look like Taliban who have stolen NATO hummers!
  9. B

    Why Japan tilted towards India

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It is a commonly used verbiage in several Indian languages - generally used to refer to someone who is jealous or angry.
  10. B

    Dont Worry Democracy is Here!

    OK, so Musharraff was good. Cool. What about the previous dictators and rulers that Pakistan has had? And how do you know what kind of guy you'll get? Once someone starts ruling with an iron hand, if he turns out to be bad, there is nothing you will be able to do. If you try, you will be...
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    Why Japan tilted towards India

    Why are you getting so worked up? We all know that international relations are based on benefits and interests. However, you know very well that some Indian members take pot shots at China because of the suspicious nature of the India-China relationship (due to many reasons). You also know that...
  12. B

    Dont Worry Democracy is Here!

    All that is fine if the leader (dictator, general whatever) is benevolent and efficient. If he turns out to be a psycopath like Idi Amin or a warmongering mass murderer like Hitler, god save your country. And apart from the fact that you have no means of predicting what type of leader you'll...
  13. B

    ****** or Indo-Pak?

    What is the censored word which is being replaced by *** in this article? Even the original link to Dawn's website is broken because of that censor!! :hitwall:
  14. B

    Bomb Blast in Pakpattan

    Why blame the US?? It is your countrymen and your co-religionists who are orchestrating all the violence between Shias and Sunnis, both against Ahmadiyas, and so on. How is the US responsible? Very convenient to always blame some external factor for your own troubles!
  15. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    I do not agree with your assertion that India media 'ignored' so much content. I have been following the CWG news very closely in both, Australian/British AND Indian media. Anyhow, you can continue to observe the Indian media's reports and watch how the Indian media pulls the pants off our...
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    India has nearly 1500 languages, and 15 major (official) languages. When the PM speaks in English nearly 300 million can understand him, when he speaks Hindi nearly 450 million can understand him and when he speaks fluent Punjabi nearly 50 million can understand him. We have hundreds of local...
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    I agree with you here. The media is often irresponsible and sensationalist. I am the first one to agree if criticism is genuine. What I dislike is spreading of totally false information!
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    The amount of moronism I have seen on this thread from Chinese posters is mind boggling. India has a free press and China does not. Period. There is just no arguing with that. And here you have these assorted Chinese talking obvious nonsense like: "did your media report bad things about cwg"...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    First, I want to know what you understand by 'Kashmir'. If you are talking about the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, I hope you know that 40% of the population is Buddhist/Hindu who want to remain with India. Even Muslims in Kargil and other regions (not part of valley) want to remain with...
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    India has hundreds of news channels and thousands of newspapers and magazines. When you say 'lot to be covered', I doubt if it can be true - every small thing is reported by some media house or the other. Anyhow, even if something was missed out, it does not reflect upon India's media...
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