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    Chinese Police self-defence

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    Islamophobia Run Wild

    Why are there no religionophobia? Cmon, let face it, could you imagine a world with humans without religions!
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    Chinese Su-27 backs from Taiwanese F-16's.

    I think he is right, they might have been testing Chinese Air defense systems to see where you guys are at the current moment and to analyse your future undertaking in that matter.
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    Chinese Su-27 backs from Taiwanese F-16's.

    How reliable is that missile? Did they were able to change the course of that U2?
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    Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea

    I don't support that idea at all. Very bad idea for the Russian side.:devil:
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    Chinese fighters ‘repel’ US aircraft in Taiwan Strait

    Chinese fighters ‘repel’ US aircraft in Taiwan Strait By Kathrin Hille in Beijing Two Chinese fighter jets crossed the middle line in the Taiwan Strait late last month for the first time in more than a decade to repel a US spy aircraft, according to defence sources in Taipei and...
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    11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment

    News network like Reuters and AP are more centered in China bashing by putting most likely negative views on China to western and probably world public perceptions, not trustworthy at all. I will prefer the local news better. That just me.
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    World's First Weaponized Solid-State Laser for U.S. Military Services

    Firestrike Is World's First Battlefield Solid-State Laser, Available to Order Now 15 Nov 2008, 05:49 Get ready for some real Pew Pew, because Northrop Grumman has just announced that the First Ever high-energy, solid-state Lethal laser for actual war applications is now available for...
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    Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons.

    Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers China's military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence report made public on...
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    Fighter plane's laser may blind civilians

    Can China do the same in it's J-20?
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    Russian PANTSIR S1

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    Fighter plane's laser may blind civilians

    Fighter plane's laser may blind civilians 19:00 24 July 2002 by Jeff Hecht American defence contractors are developing a laser weapon for fighter aircraft that may be powerful enough to blind people on the ground, even if they are relatively far from the target, New Scientist can reveal. The...
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    11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment

    11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment Updated: 2011-07-24 00:24 (Xinhua) WENZHOU - At least 11 people were dead and 89 injured after two coaches of a bullet train fell off a bridge after derailing in East China's Zhejiang province late Saturday, local police, firefighters...
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    Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

    Since, we are all in the same camp, I think it was unwise of you to threat me with that last sentence of yours, honey.
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    Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

    The same goes to Germany and Netherlands. Of course, that cannot happen to us because we know how to protect ourselves while doing our activities abroad. That was part of the plan. So you expected to go to war without retaliation! What kind of sick world you live in!
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    Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

    In case you don't know, the soldiers are doing what their country ask them to do. Therefore, Norwegian citizens are accountable for Norwegian special forces killing innocent people in Afghanistan.
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    Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

    What goes around comes around. Norwegian special forces and their buddies has been killing innocents people in Afghanistan for years now and last year they putted on a show on china by praising a criminal. Again, what goes around comes around.
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    China Encircles India

    Hey Indian, they are not terrorist, they are fighting to liberate their country and for their believes not terrorism. People should get it right.
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    San Francisco Police Shoot Teen Over $ $2.00 Bus Fare !!!! ( **** POLICE BR

    Well, whatever is been said concerning such action by the US police should be taking with a grain of salt. Following Police records especially in America, this is not the first time such action took place.
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