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  1. StarCraft_ZT

    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    Why Vietnam so stupid? It's Vietnam who need those factories to provide jobs for their starving-to-death people.
  2. StarCraft_ZT

    How China Is Eclipsing Japan in Asia — An IMF Snapshot

    China’s latest tangle with Vietnam plays into Japan’s bid to ramp up influence in Asia, as Tokyo offers leadership to counter Beijing’s saber-rattling. A new International Monetary Fund report offers a sobering reminder of the limits of Japanese clout, highlighting the growing reliance of...
  3. StarCraft_ZT

    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    Japan and US are truly allies, we are actually fighting against both of them. China could handle Japan easily in 2020. When you guys are high protesting China, you really enjoy it, uh? But people in China couldn't care more about your dick move, because you are a bunch of jungle crawlers.
  4. StarCraft_ZT

    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    Viet Nam's reaction so intense, which exactly proves their bottom line, that is protest only. In China, no one care about this. I thought they would do something really threatening, but I am wrong, sorry. Now we know their real power, that is trash.
  5. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese media threatens Vietnam

    So that's why I feel so sorry for them. They never realize what their fate are gonna to be. I still remember that a Malaysian member here once said, in real life North Viet and South Viet are discriminating each other about skin color for a long time. Look at their true face...
  6. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese media threatens Vietnam

    wow, the colonization is real. :D Language is the soul of a culture, now they lost it.
  7. StarCraft_ZT

    6 injured in knife attack at Guangzhou station

    Yeah, the man being carried is the terrorist confirmed. He deserved this way. :coffee:
  8. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese media threatens Vietnam

    I don't read Viet language, so ugly looking. I am not interested in Viet Nam affairs, you quote the wrong person. In my eyes, all these are bullshit, I don't even want to know you.
  9. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese media threatens Vietnam

    ;) post anything you like. never care
  10. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese media threatens Vietnam

    :coffee: you are correct, that's why this section is called China & Far east, and China is head of far east.
  11. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese media threatens Vietnam

    Vietnam nationalists have invaded and conquered China&Far East sub section now. I can see their garbage posts all day long, what's wrong this these *** hats? Get something to do.
  12. StarCraft_ZT

    6 injured in knife attack at Guangzhou station

    Kunming train station, Urumchi train station, Guangzhou train station, what's next?
  13. StarCraft_ZT

    China welcomes Japanese people to improve bilateral ties

    AV country, Plastic Surgery country and tea boiled egg province are too pro west, we need to teach them a lesson. Only Asians can save themselves, don't worship and depend on the west. AV country should do something to improve our relations.
  14. StarCraft_ZT

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    @Grand Historian I like your signature. It's by who, may I ask?
  15. StarCraft_ZT

    The 'rat eaters' of India

    They eat rats? It's normal when you can't find anything to eat for days. In a Africa restaurant, they sell human meat....grill head.
  16. StarCraft_ZT

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    China is not only the true savior of Chinese civilization, but also the whole Asia, to let Asians get rid of Western worship. Only CCP can do this. The best thing CCP brings China is the confidence, although China is not so good right now and in the past decades. We should keep that confidence...
  17. StarCraft_ZT

    It Is Chiguajiao(Johnson South Reef)No More

    Then you have no faith at all. I joined, I love CCP.
  18. StarCraft_ZT

    It Is Chiguajiao(Johnson South Reef)No More

    We won't do that. Have you joined CPV, the Communist Party of Vietnam?
  19. StarCraft_ZT

    It Is Chiguajiao(Johnson South Reef)No More

    My letter for them To whom it may concern: You will leave here soon, or to get punished. warm regards, Your Chinese lord
  20. StarCraft_ZT

    It Is Chiguajiao(Johnson South Reef)No More

    China should do something to Philipine and Vietnam, to give SCS forever peace.
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