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  1. V

    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    ^ your comment is partly true but it is not the whole picture. Putin will take all available channels to bring more money into His country. Russia is not too dependent on PRC like most Chinese gleefully dream. As we can see, Russia relationship with the West is getting warmer by the day...
  2. V

    South China Sea Forum

    ^ the Philippines need to booster their defenses, especially in regard to surface ship forces. They need to build bigger marine surveillance ships to counter PRC threat. Japan can be a big help in this area. The Philippines should buy coastal defense systems, preferably from Russia since the...
  3. V

    Mainland, Taiwan could join hands to handle the Philippine shooting inciden

    ^ the incident is not concerning PRC, don't self-insert your government there to gain political advantages upon the death of a Taiwanese man.
  4. V

    Mainland, Taiwan could join hands to handle the Philippine shooting inciden

    ^ they are hypocrites, and proud of it. Btw, nice to see you here, fighting against the tides in this infested Chinese dream land
  5. V

    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    Actually Russia also knows PRC is not to be trusted with its expansionist ideas. They are worry that China will take the resource rich Siberia as well as compete with them in the Arctic Ocean. Russian newspapers urges caution in military sales to China. But that is for another time.... So...
  6. V

    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    You are the one first to divert attention away from my post. I have answered your assertion that "Vietnam will be smart to fold to PRC's demand, because Vietnam is weak." I have replied by saying that Vietnam is not militarily weak like you think, nor it will succumb to PRC's outrageous demand...
  7. V

    Mainland, Taiwan could join hands to handle the Philippine shooting inciden

    Here are some of the strategic goals that Chinese leader wants to get out of this incidence: 1) Increase pressure on the Philippines to drop its lawsuit to the International Court, which has been damaging China "good" image. PRC wants the Philippines to agree with its two-party-talk gimmick...
  8. V

    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    Do you know that Russia navy ship shot your militia "fishing boat" that illegally entered Russian water a few years back? What was the reaction from "big brother" PRC? Your government folded to Russia since its military is both wrong and weaker. PRC is effectively a mid-tier bully who is scare...
  9. V

    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    hahahaha, sorry I have to laugh at the nativity that you demonstrated in the bold part. You call it "Co-operation and compromise," while insist that China takes almost everything? Are those outrageous demands the idea of "peace and fairness" from an expansionist's stand point? Please stop...
  10. V

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    I kindly hope that our Vietnamese posters in this forum are restraint from over-hype our military power. As one of our General recently has said: "Vietnam only buys enough equipment to protect itself." Indeed everything we have in our arsenals is defensive type. Vietnam does not want to cause...
  11. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Anyone bragging about using Nuclear Weapon on other people when he/she loses moral arguments is a complete waste of intellectual knowledge privileged upon him/her. Chickenhawk school yard bullies talk big when they are not the one fighting in a war. Chinese Party's member families, capitalist...
  12. V

    China sells helicopter to Myanmar rebel

    There are the reasons everyone is not amuse at China. I don't have anything against Chinese people. It's the government that's at fault here. I sympathize with your frustration but you should read more. A peaceful China is needed for the world but an aggressive China will cause every nation to...
  13. V


    Having to go back to 7th century makes your logic seems as thin as a string of hair. Beside the fact that your source came from "Chinese education" you failed at the basics: 1) Your ancient Chinese argument: dude, you can claim the entire Western USA with this logic since Chinese workers...
  14. V

    South China Sea Forum

    I hope Philippines gains more traction in this case. Beijing's urgent move to visit four ASEAN countries proves that they are shaking their boots. After all, they know China will lose in a fair court. No amount of rationale can explain away blatant robbery.
  15. V

    China sells helicopter to Myanmar rebel

    Funny, Chinese posters do not wait for Pakistani posters to defense this action. Chinese are denying it out-right since even they know the whole thing stinks. They are trying to be a "good neighbor" you see. Supplying military equipment to rebel fractions can constitute war against a country...
  16. V

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Nice, we need to have more economic and military cooperation between the two countries. This is the only way to fence off the You-Know-Who bully from the north. Vietnam has military advantage, Philippines has economic advantage. We can help each other out. I'm also glad that Philippines is...
  17. V

    India is evaluating options beyond dialogue and diplomacy against China

    I don't know if I should be sad or amuse by the all-out Chinese shills coming from Pakistanis posters in this forum. Do you realize that Pakistan and India were once brothers?! You were once the same people. Many of you have relatives, friends, families in India. No matter the political or...
  18. V

    South China Sea Forum

    China is dangerously aggressive in taking other people's lands. The country is a hungry beast that eats away other people's resources to satisfy its ever-growing expansionism. The only country in the world with border disputes with nearly all of its neighbors!! I don't believe for a second China...
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