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  1. below_freezing

    China's Wu beats Phelps in 200m butterfly

    Important part is organizing a big population. A country with bigger population and more resources can afford more mistakes than ones with small populations and less resources. Look at how USA easily defeated Japan and USSR easily defeated Germany.
  2. below_freezing

    New People's Army (NPA) (Philippines)

    Ok, let me say this: 国军:对内纳粹,对外绵羊
  3. below_freezing

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    That was never our land. That was Manchu Emperor's land, literally, his personal fiefdom. Han weren't allowed on most of it. That's why he gave it away (yes, he was never defeated, he gave it away!) in the Treaty of Aigun in 1850. On the other hand, KMT actually lost land that did belong to us...
  4. below_freezing

    China's Wu beats Phelps in 200m butterfly

    That's OK. We are still winners in other sports including basketball. Our only weakness is football. We should decrease the popularity of football and increase that of sports we are good at. Sports that are too popular have strong corruption.
  5. below_freezing

    New People's Army (NPA) (Philippines)

    US photographer shows the evils of KMT regime: 1943 mass famine in Henan caused by KMT looting http://bbs.tiexue.net/post_5828986_1.html KMT = Nazi. In fact, Nazi Germany was the biggest ally of the KMT before they switched to the winning horse Japan.
  6. below_freezing

    China's Wu beats Phelps in 200m butterfly

    But that's the great thing about having the biggest population on earth. We have everyone.
  7. below_freezing

    China: The world's cleverest country?

    That's pretty amazing. Using the abacus to calculate problems in nuclear physics is not trivial. That's because in the old days, to even do a logarithm was non-trivial (the easiest way I can think of off the top of my head is a Taylor expansion). To solve the nuclear models (I don't even know...
  8. below_freezing

    ISRO to test indigenous cryogenic engine today

    I am doing research on Indian telecom business. It is surpisingly powerful. TATA communications and Reliance communications manages quite a few global undersea cables. I'm impressed. Usually only AT&T and other giant multinationals have the power to do this. If this rocket succeeds, it'll be...
  9. below_freezing

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    Russia is as important to us, as Canada is to the US.
  10. below_freezing

    China, Japan, ROK deepen financial cooperation: white paper

    Just us and Japan is fine. ROK can't contribute much. I think China and Japan can join ASEAN, and let Koreans circle jerk to their "Altaic purity". Both sides are happy then.
  11. below_freezing

    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    No other Asian economy was devastated to the degree China was except South Korea. However, South Korea had big help. 70% of total investment in South Korea until 1972 was American, who pumped money into South Korea regardless of the military dictatorship and their command economy. Total...
  12. below_freezing

    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    I pity the idiots that think ROC was greatest and all of China's problems are due to the Cultural Revolution :lol: China's problems are due to some bad aspects of traditional Chinese culture, and even the Cultural Revolution just brought out the worst in traditional Chinese culture. I also...
  13. below_freezing

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    The Sino-Slavic alliance in its 20th year and counting. Only thing stronger is the China-Pakistan alliance. That is because Pakistan is our Israel.
  14. below_freezing

    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    More people should read the writings of actual writers who lived through the ROC era. Lu Xun is not the only one.
  15. below_freezing

    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    Anyone that thinks Mao was worse than the ROC regime should read 肖红's 《呼兰河传》 to get an idea of how bad Chinese society was from 1840-1949. They really think that ROC's accomplishments on Taiwan, with intact railroad, telegraph, US aid, huge...
  16. below_freezing

    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    Taiwan was the ROC. The ROC had 37 years and didn't do much in those 37 years. Why did it do better after it went to Taiwan? Well, 23 million people is alot easier to manage than 1.3 billion. It's like how the worst NBA player could become a dominant college basketball star. Taking 1 million...
  17. below_freezing

    China: The world's cleverest country?

    You really don't want to go into this. I'm just going to report your post for personal and racial attacks instead of embarrass you.
  18. below_freezing

    2012 BBC Global Opinion Poll released: China rises, EU declines

    Sorry, I think Canada, Australia and Britain are more civilized than Wahhabi fanatics. However, that's OK because we only deal with your 1% sophisticated royal family.
  19. below_freezing

    2012 BBC Global Opinion Poll released: China rises, EU declines

    That's because some older Chinese take their information straight from DC and VoA. They believe anything white Americans tell them to believe. That is because they have no confidence in themselves or in their race. If you did a survey of 15-30 year olds, it'd be highly positive towards Pakistan.
  20. below_freezing

    China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

    USA - killed 3 million Vietnamese civilians and used chemical weapons to poison you for 30 years, refuse to help you clean up or compensate the victims, then stole all your wealth and moved it to the US, and are brainwashing your descendants to hate you. After adding insult to injury they kick...
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