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ISRO to test indigenous cryogenic engine today


Jun 10, 2010
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ISRO to test indigenous cryogenic engine today - The Hindu: Mobile Edition
Two more, including 1,000- second endurance, tests in coming months: ISRO chief.
The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) will put its cryogenic engine to an acceptance test on Saturday at a special facility at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre at Mahendragiri in Tamil Nadu, ISRO chief K. Radhakrishnan has said.

Mr. Radhakrishnan had said earlier that they were confident of using an indigenous cryogenic engine to propel a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) by September.
The GSLV would undergo two more tests, including an endurance test of 1,000 seconds, at the same place in the next few months.
Mr. Radhakrishnan was speaking at the 40-year celebrations of the ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), where former directors reminisced about the inception of the centre and its initial days, during which it functioned out of a modest shed in Peenya.
“Whenever someone in the country tunes into a television set, makes an STD call or withdraws money from an ATM, there is an element of ISAC behind it,” said T.K. Alex, director of ISAC.
Whether forewarning about cyclones, forecasting the monsoon or identifying natural resources, the 60-odd satellites produced in the last four decades had served the nation with distinction, Mr. Alex said.
Among the satellites slated for launch is a six-tonne satellite that would have between 48 and 60 transponders, said Mr. Alex. It could, however take them up to three years to complete the project.
The tests are gonna be a success!

From a country begging to others for launching a satelite or for telecommunicational networks,we have reached where we launch sats of others. I cant imagine a situation without these satelites- there wont be these much cell phones and India would have been a 'losers' market for telecom giants. Now our own firms provide network for a dozen nations. There would have never been such a strong entertainment industries!

Thanks to every ISRO personnel:-)!
I am doing research on Indian telecom business. It is surpisingly powerful. TATA communications and Reliance communications manages quite a few global undersea cables. I'm impressed. Usually only AT&T and other giant multinationals have the power to do this.

If this rocket succeeds, it'll be a major step towards India's peaceful use of space, unlike Agni.
The test on the ground is not going to be as accurate as when the engine is used in the actual rocket. You can recreate the temperature extremes in the test chamber, but you can't recreate the lessened gravity accurately.
Even during the previous cryogenic engine test, all these ground based tests were carried out, but the systems are incredibly complex. I hope the testing/diag team is beating the sh!t out of the systems to cover all possibilities. Good luck ISRO.
The tests are gonna be a success!

From a country begging to others for launching a satelite or for telecommunicational networks,we have reached where we launch sats of others. I cant imagine a situation without these satelites- there wont be these much cell phones and India would have been a 'losers' market for telecom giants. Now our own firms provide network for a dozen nations. There would have never been such a strong entertainment industries!

Thanks to every ISRO personnel:-)!

in other news, ISRO will launch 24 satellites in 24 months, Gsat, IRNSS-1 navigation sat, SPOT 6, Astrosat etc.
Good luck ISRO.. This will be a major technological milestone to be crossed for future of the space programme.
I am doing research on Indian telecom business. It is surpisingly powerful. TATA communications and Reliance communications manages quite a few global undersea cables. I'm impressed. Usually only AT&T and other giant multinationals have the power to do this.

If this rocket succeeds, it'll be a major step towards India's peaceful use of space, unlike Agni.

Can you share your report with me " off-line". It will greatly help my work. I can also conribute to your research..
Best of luck ISRO!!!......the countries good wishes are with you!!:)
Get ready for another firework in the sky.

typical troll with a trolling dream.. :lol: :lol:


isn't india tested one stage of gslv???I thought it was cryogenic stage..
This thread was started in the WRONG SECTION.

It should have been in India Defence Forum.
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