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  1. Sin Pateh

    Iran : China and Russia will not get involved with the US drone

    -I don't know why people spend so much care on that flying plastic toy, it is absolute a shitty piece of crap! -Iran don't want to share with Russian and Chinese because American say so! that's it!
  2. Sin Pateh

    "Never Forget National Humiliation" 74th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre

    silly, - why spent time to feed those indian troll here? they are just love putting more salt into your wound! the more you react in suffering, the more those trolls are in happy! -Chinese must learn how to live in this world, there is no need to be nice and humble, nobody cares, this planet...
  3. Sin Pateh

    China builds man made islands in Spratly

    some loudest speakers become known how to scare which we rarely be seen from them before!
  4. Sin Pateh

    5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World

    at least this joke has caused someone balls hurt! don't know who is really the looser here!
  5. Sin Pateh

    Hong Kong tops WEF's financial stability index

    The more of your loyalty to your mainland, the more freedom you will earn in return! obviously a brilliant present! so why confront with China, separatists?
  6. Sin Pateh

    Cheney calls for air strike on Iran over captured drone

    oh jeezus! :eek: - who is really an "asian" here? -who is really "inferior" here? what on earth this kind of shameless self-claimed? :rolleyes: I have to agree to someone that had said: "trust dick is really a dick!":azn:
  7. Sin Pateh

    Cheney calls for air strike on Iran over captured drone

    excuse me dick, are you speak up for yourself as an american or for your vietnam? what is the really nationality of yours, dick? btw congratulations, you just got a lovely support from your long lost brother viet cong under your feet!
  8. Sin Pateh

    China & Laos vows to further enhance military relations

    wow, what a bunch of internet tough-talk warriors! :lol: don't know who is more aggressive than whom in the region, but it's usually the empty box makes loudest sound :azn:
  9. Sin Pateh

    School bus accident kills 15 Students in China(RIP)

    China must spent more times and funds to improve your traffic! it's terrible! :confused:
  10. Sin Pateh

    China and India lead condemnation of Canada’s Kyoto withdrawal

    Let's forgive those sour grape looser! :azn:
  11. Sin Pateh

    China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

    If i didn't touch someone nerve then there will not a bunch of garbage words coming from your reply! :lol: which part did i say that or just....YOU? :rolleyes: why don't you ask yourself that how many times you have invaded China? of course your country once declare they are your enemy but...
  12. Sin Pateh

    Peru to buy four Chinese passenger jets

    They wait until proved that this plane is safe and useful! Hey, the accident in Indonesia if I am not mistake there were no causalities? :unsure:
  13. Sin Pateh

    UK police tactics to blind protesters

    now this is clearly what they call "human right" the western way!!! :police:
  14. Sin Pateh

    China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

    I guess the Yank are doing the same thing to Indian as they used to do with the Pakistani!
  15. Sin Pateh

    Japan lawmaker wants to build military base on China-claimed islands

    I dare the Japanese have balls to do the same on the Dokdo or Kuril ones!
  16. Sin Pateh

    China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

    Yeah rightttttttttttttt, by your paranoid sense!!!! YOU =
  17. Sin Pateh

    China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

    Stop spew out your foolish propaganda everywhere, who like your Vietnam? Even with my friends from Thailand, Laos and Cambodia here they always telling me how stressful they are under your Vietnamese aggressive! Stop bragging Cambodia to your side as if they are so loving you! You are showing...
  18. Sin Pateh

    China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

    When facing the same troubles, people tend to love each others - when facing the same interests, people tend to hate each others! Keep that for your life guidance my friends! Vietnam to China is a great unforgettable lesson!
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