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Iran : China and Russia will not get involved with the US drone

Russia and China are the only allies you got left in the world, if i were iran i invite them to a tea party and show them the drone

Friends, maybe but allies no. Both China and Russia have taken stands against Iran's nation security multiple times. But still their relationship are very good and friendly specially because Chinese and Russians see Iranians as more of friendly peaceful nation than Americans and Israelis. That is why Iran wants to do business with Russia and China but giving it for free is not going to happen since they are not allies so that if tomorrow Iran needed some technology China and Russia are not going to give it for free to Iran either as has been proven times and again.

In Iran's perspective it is nothing personal just business:

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That is exactly what official Iranian line should be. But unofficially lot will happen between Iran China and Russia. People should look at this sensitive matter as such and consider the statement just as public posturing.

I agree. :tup:

Iran are probably just negotiating for a better deal.

No problem. They should get a fair deal, and they are much more trustworthy than the USA is.
Did you ever use your veto right in the UNSC against sanctioning Iran? Do you remember the 4th round of the UNSC sanctions? China was saying no to sanctions until the last moment, but suddenly out of the blue the USA claimed that it had reached a deal with China and Russia to impose further sanctions on Iran and guess what? China voted yes to impose the 4th round of the UNSC sanctions against Iran.

Yes, China along with russia watered down resolution and hold off westeren attempts to bring resolution otherwise would have been more difficult for Iran. People need to understand that latest Iran statement is just for public domain. In private lot of things will happen. It would not be wise to publicly announce sharing such technology with others and perhaps both Russia and China had advised Iran on that. Iranian official visited Moscow and subsequent consultation with China does indicate that possibility.
Russia and China are the only allies you got left in the world, if i were iran i invite them to a tea party and show them the drone

Buddy, this statement was for public consumption.

China and Iran will continue to work closely with each other, regardless of whether or not we reach a deal with this drone.

Iran has the right to negotiate a good deal for themselves, which is exactly what they are doing.

And Iran has plenty of other friends across the world, China and Russia just happen to be the biggest ones.
-I don't know why people spend so much care on that flying plastic toy, it is absolute a shitty piece of crap!

-Iran don't want to share with Russian and Chinese because American say so! that's it!
What is the real reason that Iran does not want to share with China and Russia?

Mr Sorouri said Iran experts were in the 'final stages of cracking (the drone's) code'.
He also denied accusations from the U.S. that Iran didn't have the technology to replicate the drone, and that it would only be able to do so with Russian of Chinese help.

He added: 'We will not need Russian or Chinese cooperation to copy the drone.
'They will definitely not be involved. This great defensive capability is reserved for us, and we are not ready to share it with others.

Dick Cheney rips Obama for failing to act on downed US drone in Iran | Mail Online
Did you ever use your veto right in the UNSC against sanctioning Iran? Do you remember the 4th round of the UNSC sanctions? China was saying no to sanctions until the last moment, but suddenly out of the blue the USA claimed that it had reached a deal with China and Russia to impose further sanctions on Iran and guess what? China voted yes to impose the 4th round of the UNSC sanctions against Iran.

well, that sounds quite ungrateful.

just imagine who is trading with Iran over the years among all the sanctions.

but anyway, up to Iran to decide.

But here is my put, if I were Iran, I would like to do WhatEver I can to fight against the evil west. In the long run, China is the only rival the US has, teaming with China can always be your interest if you are against the west.
That is another possibility. If Iranians even get S-400 and S-500 technology and incorporate it in their Bavar-373, neither Iranians nor Russians will ever admit to it. Iranians will say it is a completely indigenous design, while Russians will say we never knew anything about Bavar-373 project. The same way when Russia builds a RQ-170 clone, it will say, it is a completely indigenous design and has nothing to do with American RQ-170 or its Iranian clone. It is called politics.

1. Seriously longbrianed, :disagree: Russia will finish developing S-500 in 2016. Even if they finished developing tomorrow they would never give it, their is something called limits you know.

2. If you haven't been sleeping for the last two years you would already know that Russia has stealth technology.
1. Seriously longbrianed, :disagree: Russia will finish developing S-500 in 2016. Even if they finished developing tomorrow they would never give it, their is something called limits you know.

2. If you haven't been sleeping for the last two years you would already know that Russia has stealth technology.

Thanks you for the speak up, russkie sock puppet! It's quite amazing me everywhere people gossip about russkie there will be you jump out in the very first moment later! 1000 times are never change!

honestly, I am serious, no joke! ;)

well, that sounds quite ungrateful.

just imagine who is trading with Iran over the years among all the sanctions.

but anyway, up to Iran to decide.

But here is my put, if I were Iran, I would like to do WhatEver I can to fight against the evil west. In the long run, China is the only rival the US has, teaming with China can always be your interest if you are against the west.

some people saying iran is posturing..well we can only believe the official statements...how can any 1 say about the situation behind the scenes??
Buddy, this statement was for public consumption.

China and Iran will continue to work closely with each other, regardless of whether or not we reach a deal with this drone.

Iran has the right to negotiate a good deal for themselves, which is exactly what they are doing.

And Iran has plenty of other friends across the world, China and Russia just happen to be the biggest ones.

But CD how like I said do we know a deal hasnt been done after all one would not expect them to advertise it
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