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  1. 帅的一匹

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    Making friends with China have two big benifits: 1. border secured 2. saving money to buy rip-off The problem is: 1. India can't copy as cash cow 2. India unable to copy as DRDO sucks 3. India don't want to copy and standing on the morale ground 4. Indian is too lazy and lame to copy which one...
  2. 帅的一匹

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    stubborn prejudice, please try to make one by yourself. We produce thousands of it and you buy dozen of it, that's the difference. Means you are outgunned. As one crashs in the war, your inventory varinish very quickly. We could easily reimburse by producing more. China is not interested in...
  3. 帅的一匹

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    More than you could swallow for a guy from a country that only has some 2oo plus years history. Now leave this thread before i report you trolling and deviating thread. Time to sleep as its mid night of washington time. I guess you are a false flag or some random Indian employee makes ends...
  4. 帅的一匹

    Congratulations: 50th JF-17 Thunder handed over to PAF

    Please repost the cockpit of JF17 block 2, i can't see it. Maybe next time we could work on a retractable refueling tube? or a smaller version of J10B AESA radar for JF17 BLOCK 3?
  5. 帅的一匹

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    As the relationship between India and USA is getting more and more close, Pakistan will not bet its stake on USA like used to be. J10 is multi-role fighter and J11 is airsuperior firghter, i think J10 is more cost-effective than J11 for PAF. If you wanna compare J11B with J10B, i think in the...
  6. 帅的一匹

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    When WS15 with 17 tons of thrust power come in place in year 2016, if test successfully on J10B, time for PAF to get it. China airforce will be extremely strong and standing in the top of Asian Pacific in year 2020. I think China shall provide a customized AESA radar for JF17 block 3 in the...
  7. 帅的一匹

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    This baby will solve lots of problem that cause hundreds of casualty of our precious pilots. I wanna reiterate here that Z20 is not a copy(engine, paddle, electronic devise, control interface, aerodynamic configuration), it just take S70 for some reference. Our destroyer could carry two Z20...
  8. 帅的一匹

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    We did take S70 for reference to develop new generation helo, but we don't just simply copy it(new engine, new control interface, different aerodynamic configuration, integral composite paddle). Z20 is a completely new born baby, who is gonna have a brilliant future. PLA army aviation regiment...
  9. 帅的一匹

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    Red Hawk will have navy and rescue version in the future, which means a huge market for 1500 units plus. This will be sold to any nation who can't afford to buy black Hawk meanwhile want its very performance.. 装备5片叶桨跟发动机输出功率不足有关系么? USA might feel very regret sold China S70 in 1980s.
  10. 帅的一匹

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    I wanna drive Z20 to my office.
  11. 帅的一匹

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    Image WZ10 and Z20 on indeginous LHD, i can't wait to see it. I am very proud of being a CHinese this moment. China is getting stronger every minute and second.
  12. 帅的一匹

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    Oh my Godness! That's black hawk.
  13. 帅的一匹

    JH-7B jets - upgraded variant of JH-7A

    Yes, it has payload more than SU30.
  14. 帅的一匹

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    I mean, man seriously, how can we copy CH-47 if you don't provide the TOT? copy means exactly the same, do you thinks its possible?
  15. 帅的一匹

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    Ch-47's military version was prohibited selling to China, but we have enough tech reserve to produce alike version by our self. Yes, you didn't. keep it to yourself if it could make you feel better Before you become one of the very'we', you didn't.
  16. 帅的一匹

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    My two cents.
  17. 帅的一匹

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    But you still fails to take us down, what else? Don't tell me you didn't copy anything from Nazi German. We copy it in someway, nut we never paste it cause we have our own improvement.
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