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  1. Determined Tiger

    Chinese dissident in US embassy: Hu Jia

    Is that not true??? You are funding those traitors to divide a country so serve for your interests, this is not the first time when people are too well known about what your suspicious doing around the world. Go back and check your vietnam!!!
  2. Determined Tiger

    Taiwan plans to buy four warships from US: report

    China has never used any "dirty trick" to "divide" anybody as your shameless accusation here. The one who is playing the "dirty trick" is the U.S. and the one who is being played like a fool are your vietnamese and Filipinos!!!
  3. Determined Tiger

    Great Britain and Great Viet further enhance bilateral ties

    Oh really??? Is that HOW they killed million of your fagots and left your country in devastating for decades later!? Well, "Dốt mà tỏ ra nguy hiểm" is too right to describe YOU and your clownish fellow trolls here!!! Common troll, bring your face to Cambodia!!!
  4. Determined Tiger

    North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il, 69, Has Died

    This dude is trying so hard to defend south korea idol, no doubt this is a korean' wannabe from vietnam....this type of syndrome appear popularly in vietnam these days when the viets being brainwashed by korean drama and propaganda....viets are day dreaming of become a second south korea under...
  5. Determined Tiger

    Great Britain and Great Viet further enhance bilateral ties

    And you should known what so called" empty vessel makes most sound" --> which describe your vietnamese and indian the most accuracy!!! Or have you ever heard the words: " Dot ma to ra nguy hiem" --> English " a noob who tries to be dangerous" --> which perfectly describe your vietnamese these...
  6. Determined Tiger

    Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

    Well, in your front they tell you how they love you, but when you are not there they will tell others an absolute different opinions. You think they love you "Islamist"??? Have you ever heard how the korean though about Muslims and the extreme state like Pakistan???? Have you ever known how...
  7. Determined Tiger

    India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

    So what!!!??? those units were ordered to move to the west for protecting Preah Vihear, they are in returning to their previous positions now which you never know where....what I want to mean here are "how it look" and "how it work" to show you some things our Cambodian have been preparing for...
  8. Determined Tiger

    India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

    the vietnamese are slowly occupy Spratly and Paracell islands step by step while their viet cong government drive the attention of the World to China as if everybody is blind or dumb!!!??? What a cunning fox!!! I wonder why China don't take any action to prevent these intentions???? WHY...
  9. Determined Tiger

    Type 052C and Type 052D

    that Beast is an indian false flags troll.....your long lost double faces brother in South Asia.:rolleyes: how ridiculous....your indian brothers in the back tell to the West how inferior your Russian weapons are.....and here you are fueling your hating on the Chinese who always stand together...
  10. Determined Tiger

    Varyag in Qingdao

    Never say in the public that you are trying to catch up with bla bla bla......that will not worth you anything but troubles only. Hope you understand what I mean, the most dangerous snake is the most silent and small and poisoned.....you can't see that snake appear regularly but whenever it...
  11. Determined Tiger

    SCS Standoff Continues

    What a clownish appealing, you are robbing and acting as if you are so pitiful!? :hitwall: Is that what your master USA teach you how to deal with China. Not because you are smaller then you are right, the justice is not belong to you, jerk!!! :hitwall: We are not stupid, we have been...
  12. Determined Tiger

    Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

    So this "korean" troll still deny its shameful truth just because it is too hard to swallow??? http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/176043-chinese-journalist-why-does-japan-perceive-korea-rival-not-china-6.html That is the God shake evidences about your korean...
  13. Determined Tiger

    Chinese journalist: Why does Japan perceive Korea as a rival and not China?

    Ah this is how koreans treat vietnamese!!!??? This is how your korean treat foreign brides as you used tyo deny your discrimination against non-korean in south korea???
  14. Determined Tiger

    Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

    Beside the ethnic and religion, I think living in China or Turkey is safer than in Russia, Russian nowadays are going crazy as they always dream of bringing back their imperial status and white hegemony, they fought fascism hardly and now they become a new version with different identity...
  15. Determined Tiger

    Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

    also those blatant stuck-up vietnamese there are thousand of vietnamese labor workers and brides are now living under human standard in South Korea, some of them got beaten down like under animals or even killed without any sympathy...but those viets with its failed ego here still eagerly to...
  16. Determined Tiger

    Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

    SEOUL — On the evening of July 10, Bonogit Hussain, a 29-year-old Indian man, and Hahn Ji-seon, a female Korean friend, were riding a bus near Seoul when a man in the back began hurling racial and sexist slurs at them. The situation would be a familiar one to many Korean women who have dated...
  17. Determined Tiger

    China's Role in the Sudan-South Sudan Conflict (Dispatch)

    China supports other nations gain independence is BAD....and you evils support terrorists to break down a country to serve for your interests is GOOD??? What on earth this God Damn logic!!!???
  18. Determined Tiger

    India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

    Is that the culture of your vietnamese losers???? Blatant whining while suffering serious hurts!!!??? :tdown: What a great definition!!! I couldn't find a better one to describe that!!!! Thanks anyways!!! Because of their failed giant-ego and greediness!!!
  19. Determined Tiger

    Varyag in Qingdao

    Russian technologies are still on the top best list of the World, China should be patient and learn very hard to improve your defense technologies....NOT for confronting with the partner Russian, BUT for the PEACE and the HEGEMONY of the two nations and the whole World.
  20. Determined Tiger

    Two Taiwanese men arrested for trying to sell F-22 secrets to China

    Nothing surprises here, the Taiwanese just want to drive the attention of the world view to another side while they are eagerly seeking ways to import more effective weapons from the West. Those blatant stuck-up losers outside like that korean troll will feel very happy to see these...
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