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Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

Götterdämmerung;2875799 said:
Well, that's been the logic of many Indians. Just because I'm pro-China, I've constantly been accused being a false flagger by practically all Indian forumers.

I do not accuse one of being false flagger unless someone is as blatant as davidson or fast.This is Internet and most people here would never meet in real life.False flagging is stupid and anyway there is always a chance of the person being an expatriate or born to parents of XYZ nationality.

The curious case of korean is that,he cannot be an Indian expatriate as Indian living in Korea for long term may number in single digit.Korea is not considered as an ideal country to migrate be Indians as the wage structure in Korea is such that even high end professionals have difficulty in making their end meet in korea.Even though foreigners are paid less everywhere unless he is doing a niche job,the difference in korea is one of highest.

far east has racism issues...even at national level.
My brother is married to a Malaysian woman since 1998 and living there..Malaysia wont give him nationality despite having a sizable business there,and 4 children..
His children will come second in every thing from job opportunities to university positions because they had a "foreigner" father.
Only pure breed Malaysians are given all rights in Malaysia..the rest are second class.

I have heard same about Japan....They are quite racist towards Foreigners..unless you are a white European or White American.
Somebody i knew married a Japanese Girl and the Immigration kept bullying the poor girl for many years,trying to end the marriage,saying that why would you marry and Inferior race.
So yes racism is rampant in Far east,even on state level...Korea is not the only one.

Agreed but doesn't Arabs and Persians also have same problem or are you willing to ignore it for the sake of religion?
far east has racism issues...even at national level.
My brother is married to a Malaysian woman since 1998 and living there..Malaysia wont give him nationality despite having a sizable business there,and 4 children..
His children will come second in every thing from job opportunities to university positions because they had a "foreigner" father.
Only pure breed Malaysians are given all rights in Malaysia..the rest are second class.

I have heard same about Japan....They are quite racist towards Foreigners..unless you are a white European or White American.
Somebody i knew married a Japanese Girl and the Immigration kept bullying the poor girl for many years,trying to end the marriage,saying that why would you marry and Inferior race.
So yes racism is rampant in Far east,even on state level...Korea is not the only one.

It's true in Malaysia. Chinese Malaysians are born and raised in Malaysia yet still suffer racism due to their skin color.
His Chinese and Japanese skill is better than his (non-existent) Korean skill. That makes it almost impossible for him to be Korean, diaspora or not.

DPP Taiwanese would be quite willing to bash Japan to maintain a false-flag identity. His Japan-bashing is also pretty mild and forced. His hysteria over 'halyu cultural colonization of Japan' is farcical and maybe a little satirical as well, it probably reflects how much he dislikes the prominence of Korean dramas in Taiwan.

Notice also how abusively he treats his 'Korean' identity. He constantly brings up instances of discrimination and racism in South Korea to belittle Chinese people, even though it reflects worse on Korea than China. Most Koreans would not be willing to throw their own country under the bus like that to score a few cheap points.

His posts on Taiwan are the only time he shows sincere emotion - all his other posts are cold and calculated to offend. He wants a Republic of Formosa carved out of RoC territory. When people insult Korea, he can usually brush it off unscathed and continue to troll. When people 'insult' Taiwan, he becomes noticeably agitated and more vile.

Funny, most of DPP supporters, as i known, love Japan and hate Korea.

This guy uses every possible thing to bash China, even taking the identity from the group that he despises the most, that must be a professional troll in disguise. :coffee:
There are many European countries who wont let any Non European..specially Brown/Black skin mix with their race..
I know about Greece,and there may be others....Greek government and society discourages any marriage between Pure breed Greeks and Non Greeks..and no non European immigrant ever gets Greek Passport.
I know Egyptians who are there since 1930s and its their 5th or 6th generation and still have Egyptian Passports.
These things are not shouted loud on media...so nobody knows..
But Arabs...well.....As per the media they are the worst humans on the planet ;)
Well that's the point. Appropriate the identity of a group you hate and abuse it to invite criticism of them.
Indians are rated highly because they are mostly professionals.

Keep telling yourself that, one day you'll come to believe it. :pakistan:

The top ten countries of origin represented 79 percent of the unauthorized immigrant population in 2006. Although immigration from Mexico continues to dominate unauthorized population growth, the greatest percentage increases during 2000-2006 were among immigrants from India (125 percent), Brazil (110 percent), and Honduras (75 percent).

Source: US Department of Homeland Security
Keep telling yourself that, one day you'll come to believe it. :pakistan:

The top ten countries of origin represented 79 percent of the unauthorized immigrant population in 2006. Although immigration from Mexico continues to dominate unauthorized population growth, the greatest percentage increases during 2000-2006 were among immigrants from India (125 percent), Brazil (110 percent), and Honduras (75 percent).

Source: US Department of Homeland Security

But the travesty is even the legal immigrants from pakistan are doing non professional jobs only..
His Chinese and Japanese skill is better than his (non-existent) Korean skill. That makes it almost impossible for him to be Korean, diaspora or not.

DPP Taiwanese would be quite willing to bash Japan to maintain a false-flag identity. His Japan-bashing is also pretty mild and forced. His hysteria over 'halyu cultural colonization of Japan' is farcical and maybe a little satirical as well, it probably reflects how much he dislikes the prominence of Korean dramas in Taiwan.

Notice also how abusively he treats his 'Korean' identity. He constantly brings up instances of discrimination and racism in South Korea to belittle Chinese people, even though it reflects worse on Korea than China. Most Koreans would not be willing to throw their own country under the bus like that to score a few cheap points.

His posts on Taiwan are the only time he shows sincere emotion - all his other posts are cold and calculated to offend. He wants a Republic of Formosa carved out of RoC territory. When people insult Korea, he can usually brush it off unscathed and continue to troll. When people 'insult' Taiwan, he becomes noticeably agitated and more vile.

I am wondering if he is a domestic Bangzi, who was produced in China. I saw plenty of domestic bangzi bash china all the time to show their loyalty to korea. Huanqiu alilang has bunch of these kind of domestic bangzi
I don't know about China but i definately wouldn't add Russia to that list. Russia is literally the most racist country in the world. Where they beat and kill especially blacks (students etc) and record it on camera and post it on the internet....

Beside the ethnic and religion, I think living in China or Turkey is safer than in Russia, Russian nowadays are going crazy as they always dream of bringing back their imperial status and white hegemony, they fought fascism hardly and now they become a new version with different identity.

But anyways, be careful because that ptkl3 may jump out and cut your throat like how they used to treat the Muslim rebels in Russia.

That's a very small minority. Most Russians are nice people. Russia is only 81% Russian.

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are too nice to people Chinese, even though you say such positive opinions to defend for your Russian "friends", but I bet a lots of Russian like that so called ptlk3 will never regret you at all if don't wanna say he will hate you more!!!
Sure, 99% of countries including China. Oh wait, it was the Koreans sexually exploiting Chinese women according to GPit.

They aren't. Americans have turned to foreign women in Korea as Korean women were unavailable. On the other hand, tens of millions of Chinese women are readily available to Korean men today.

You can cross China and Russia out.

No, because the reality is exactly the opposite of your little fantasy.

Silla defeated Tang, not the other way around. Then Tang was again defeated by Balhae in the north, which drove the border even closer to Beijing than the time before Koguryo. There is the reason the sea bay around Beijing is called Balhae Bay.

He's venting his frustration that foreign men have easy access to Chinese women, and that Chinese women are fleeing China to marry Western, Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese men.

So this "korean" troll still deny its shameful truth just because it is too hard to swallow???


Chinese virgin mail order bride : $7000
Vietnamese virgin mail order bride : $8900

Damn, Chinese virgins are cheaper than Vietnamese virgins.


That is the God shake evidences about your korean discrimination....remember nobody but YOU were just speak up the dirty truth about your greedy people, korean. :angry:
But the travesty is even the legal immigrants from pakistan are doing non professional jobs only..

By speculating and not providing sources, you show profound stupidity.

The travesty is the 50,000 Indians being deported from Saudi Arabia; 6,500 deported from Australia and 15,000 student visas cancelled due to violations and obviously in line for deportation. All of this in just the last few months.

50,000 Indians deported during amnesty - Arab News
6,500 Indian students deported from Australia due to Visa irregularities - Economic Times

Top 8 Countries by Birth of Illegal Aliens in United States (2010)
1. Mexico
2. El Salvador
3. Guatemala
4. Honduras
5. Philippines
6. India
7. Korea

8. Ecuador

India and Korea, right up there with Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Kindly take this information in stride and don't respond with the usual humorless anger and foaming at the mouth.
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