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Two Taiwanese men arrested for trying to sell F-22 secrets to China

Doesn't matter, one drop of blood and you are Chinese in the US. Thus why Keanu Reeves is called Chinese American in the US.

Those folks just hit with an identity crisis, the White Americans don't view them as the Whites, while the Chinese don't view them as the Chinese. :coffee:
Those folks just hit with an identity crisis, the White Americans don't view them as the Whites, while the Chinese don't view them as the Chinese. :coffee:
They do not have any 'identity crisis'. They know exactly who/what they are: Americans. Unlike you Chinese boys who sees everything through a racial/racist prism. Their existence bothers racists like you -- on any continent and from any ethnicity -- that supposedly a racist America -- imperfect as we are -- could both look at and look through a person's skin color and judge and award him/her according to their characters. For US, where I am from is just as valuable as what I chose to be when I voluntarily took the oath of citizenship.

Your fellow racist said it no better than a hardcore Klansman from Stormfront...

Race is paramount.
Excellent news for everyone on what China really is: A racist society.
Those folks just hit with an identity crisis, the White Americans don't view them as the Whites, while the Chinese don't view them as the Chinese. :coffee:

Most, if not all, half and half Chinese consider themselves Americans with some fondness for China, thought I know quite a few consider themselves as Chinese-Americans especially if they are brought up in Chinese environments like Chinatowns. Anything less, like Tiger Woods, are Americans and their mentions of Chinese blood probably only in conversations. The second generation Chinese, again most if not all, consider themselves American with Chinese heritages.

America, increasing, does not own by any ethnic group (debatable) and is nothing ashamed to be considered of being one. Not all the average Joes agree with the government's views on international politics, however there nothing we can do about it.
well ,I wonder if the secrets of F-22 are to the degree open to every one that two drug dealer have access to them
can any body tell me what sort of license is F-22 based on is it Apache-2.0 or GPL or LGPL or MIT or OSL-3.0 or AFL-3.0 or .....
Your fellow racist said it no better than a hardcore Klansman from Stormfront...

Excellent news for everyone on what China really is: A racist society.

Isn't it too crowded when the club has already reached max membership quotas held by vietcongs; indians; japanese; s Koreans; white anglo saxons: germans, brits, irish, dutch.; russians; jews; latinos ...

On the alleged espionage, glad to hear some great taiwanese are braving the enormous risks for the interest of his heritage if it is true! Brilliant!

USS Chung-Hoon (DDG-93) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let US know when the PLAN name a ship after a non-Chinese.

that's no big deal! when somebody in China has risen to the level of contribution which is worth the country's respect, surely China will not hesitate in naming any memorable structure or vessel after the person, sometimes in abundance. regardless of his ethnic background. There has been numerous cases when foreigners are praised for the contribution to China and books, documentaries, statues or structures are made or named after him/her.


Residence of John_Rabe, Nanjing

Statue of Bethune at Wanping Fortress, Beijing

Matteo Ricci's grave (利玛窦墓) in the backyard of the Beijing Administrative College

Macau Ricci Institute
Ricci Hall, University of HK
traitors, they are betraying china
PS: wROC is real china.
It seems 168 countries in the world disagree with you, and you are only in alliance with countries such as Swaziland(not Swissland), Kiribati, Belize..... Well you get the picture.

Doesn't matter, one drop of blood and you are Chinese in the US. Thus why Keanu Reeves is called Chinese American in the US.

No he is called Eurasian.
They do not have any 'identity crisis'. They know exactly who/what they are: Americans. Unlike you Chinese boys who sees everything through a racial/racist prism. Their existence bothers racists like you -- on any continent and from any ethnicity -- that supposedly a racist America -- imperfect as we are -- could both look at and look through a person's skin color and judge and award him/her according to their characters. For US, where I am from is just as valuable as what I chose to be when I voluntarily took the oath of citizenship.

Your fellow racist said it no better than a hardcore Klansman from Stormfront...

Excellent news for everyone on what China really is: A racist society.

I am intrigued by this conversation. I have yet to see or hear of a people that is free from racism completely, its a all a matter of degree and it varies from country to country and individual to individual. Racism is a human condition. Of course the politically correct want to deny existence of it and make it disappear by preaching or making laws with little success. All it does is make people hide their racism.

I think racism will disappear when all races have sufficiently intermingled to eliminate any trace of pure "races", making racial affiliations meaningless. Till then we should accept our reality and make the best of it, minimize negative effects of tribalism and use them with moderation to unite people where we can.
traitors, they are betraying china
PS: wROC is real china.

:lol: do you know how many Chinese from Taiwan spied U.S for China ??? even Chinese from Taiwan spied Taiwan for China...you indians have never take the 101 spying course...It's funny..i would expect more from real americans to call these two traitors..but come from a mouth of people know only import armes and good at nothing else.

I disagree, the people's republic is the real China. Taiwan is just the Republic of Taiwan now.

Then wave Taiwan flag...if you have one...LMAO
Race issue is often mixed with cultural aspects because people with the same ethnic identity also tend to have the same cultural identity, and is actually very important when it comes to consideration for things such as marriage, and how your kids is to be raised etc. It's not wrong to point out that another person is different in his racial makeup to you.
Nothing surprises here, the Taiwanese just want to drive the attention of the world view to another side while they are eagerly seeking ways to import more effective weapons from the West.

Those blatant stuck-up losers outside like that korean troll will feel very happy to see these incidents but who know one day Taiwanese and Chinese mainland will stand up together to kick those korean and vietnamese axx badly!!!???

Taiwanese @ to the U.S. is obvious:: Let sell us more weapons, we won't share the technologies secrets to others. But who (HU) know!!!???:whistle:
that's no big deal! when somebody in China has risen to the level of contribution which is worth the country's respect, surely China will not hesitate in naming any memorable structure or vessel after the person, sometimes in abundance. regardless of his ethnic background. There has been numerous cases when foreigners are praised for the contribution to China and books, documentaries, statues or structures are made or named after him/her.
Buddy, you are way off base. We are not talking about individuals who may have accomplished singular great things. We are talking about acceptance of people of diverse ethnicities into one's society and made them citizens IN SPITE OF existing prejudices. The easiest thing to do is to simply not accept anyone at all. Not only was Gordon Chung Hoon honored for his bravery in combat, those of his ethnic background are equally honored in many ways, such as General Eric Shinseki or astronaut Ellison S. Onizuka. Now do not be petty and nit pick about Onizuka. The point is clear enough that we are far more racially tolerant a society than your China.

Further, it is known -- but kept quiet -- among world leaders, from one regime change to the next, that China have an active program of trying to recruit Chinese of all citizenships to be traitors to their countries of residences and citizenship and that recruitment is based upon emotional appeals to a racial bond.
traitors, they are betraying china
PS: wROC is real china.

One of the reason why India fell behind is China is the lack of unity and patriotism on part of Indian. As Mainland China grows stronger, many Taiwanese will identify with their brothers across the sea. That is why US doesn't give Taiwan their most sophisticate tech.

After a century of blunder and slavery by the British and white man, India still stuck behind the notion of fairness that the Western society does not abide by.

India can continue giving billions of dollar that will otherwise go to her people to the white man for second rate weapons, while China are busy getting everything whereever it maybe. The Western stole a tremendous amount of wealth and technology from China, this is mere playing the game written by the white man.

India can pat themselve on the back, while they are being rape by their billionaire traitors living in London, while they live in the slums of India.
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