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    Iran ready to provide Iraq with social welfare services

    saddam was going to get killed sooner or later he served his purpose and like all good puppets throw him down the bin.
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    India's Indigenous 5th-Gen Combat Plane to Boast Condition Monitoring Sys

    Haven't even mastered the tejas and talking about 5 gen and with the current engine problems will the 5th gen fighter have 95 % imported tech ?
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    Qatar, Saudi Arabia conspire to topple Iraqi government: Maliki

    Well I'll just observe for a while keep saving their comments you know.
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    Qatar, Saudi Arabia conspire to topple Iraqi government: Maliki

    But Iraq is majority shia not sunni . the iraqi's voted for him, Maliki will live. I also found this weird that saudi's on this forum cry about racism and hate when they themselves are the biggest advocators of it also the saudis on this forum apparently get to decide who is muslim and who...
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    Iran ready to provide Iraq with social welfare services

    Iranian Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare Minister Abdolreza Sheikholeslami has said that the ministry is ready to provide Iraq with services in the fields of social welfare, technical and vocational trainings, rehabilitation and job creation. He made the remarks in a meeting with...
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    How Can Myanmar ethnic cleansing be stopped?

    Thanks if you got a few laughs, look at my flags, no I'm not first bangladeshi's are talking of war with myanmar second this isn't a civil war, and lastly why hasn't jordan said anything ?
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    Early Death Assured in India Where 900M Don’t Eat Enough

    His obsession is about india being a superpower.
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    your have heard of zecharia sitchin ?
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    Early Death Assured in India Where 900M Don’t Eat Enough

    2030 India will be a Superpower look the video link, this thread is lies this isn't happening in india. Lies india is in fact richer then africa and less poor people then it.
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    How Can Myanmar ethnic cleansing be stopped?

    There military is weaker then sri lanka, they will be beaten by myanmar hands down and they can't do noting when they get killed on the border. really your concerned ? bangladesh is sending them back any word from jordan on taking them in ? :whistle:
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    Yes from the usa, no I haven't heard of people living in fear what I know is the media is releasing more and more movies on portraying aliens do to a coming agenda have you heard of it ? also some more info on many things.
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    India seeks more oil from OPEC members except Iran

    India is seeking extra oil supplies from OPEC members Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Algeria, as the country, already cutting its dependence on sanctions-hit Iran, works to secure additional barrels to feed its expanding refining capacity. India seeks more oil from OPEC members except Iran | Reuters
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    How Can Myanmar ethnic cleansing be stopped?

    It can only be stopped by the UN reality Bangladeshi's are talking about supporting insurgents in Myanmar one it could get out of control next Bangladesh is weak I consider it a banana republic until it has self respect. final fact Bangladesh has a very weak military even sri lanka has a better...
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    fine I will go back and try all the things you have listed. I would also like more info. :D
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    ISRO why dont you give me a list of steps that I should follow I'm unaware of many of the things you have said.
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    isro2222 how do I contact the aliens then I have download all your links you told me, I will try your methods to see if you are truly telling the truth or on drugs. the question is how do I get in contact ?
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    isro you haven't given me a straight answer yet.
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    Russia sending Syria attack helicopters

    Rumors on a few sites russia is sending more then attack copters. operation searchlight comes in mind ? Syria getting the Hind-35 ?
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    Russia sending Syria attack helicopters

    The Obama administration said Tuesday that Russia is sending attack helicopters to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime and warned that the Arab country’s 15-month conflict could become even deadlier. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the US was ‘‘concerned about the latest...
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