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  1. rcrmj

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    and now this little viets start applying his maintenance 'experiences' on international issues, or 'defining' some terminologies```quite entertaining, guess the basement life is really bored
  2. rcrmj

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    then in this case China must be a 'royal ally' of India too``because in reality 90% indians as dead poor as N.koreans, plus raping, slaving and discrimination has free ride in India..and the 'evil' China must be held accountable for the barbarism in India
  3. rcrmj

    China Economy Forum

    i believe for forseable time, the income-disparity will get worse, as there are end-less opportunities in China for those already riches and skilled to make more money, and for those poor and unskilled's fates are depending more on government welfare policies
  4. rcrmj

    Raining missiles: India test fires cannon launched laser-guided missile

    no, he uses his left hand to serve his other 'end' again, its isreali's seeker, equipments and spare parts and assembled in India
  5. rcrmj

    Candidates for Mig-21 replacement in Vietnam

    Except engines``and radars, and FBW systems, and weapons, and avionics, and etc```everything will be 'manufactured' in India and you did for Mig-21 therefore IA holding the world record of life time crashing 'tests' and no you did not manufacture MKI, its a classic spone-feed assembly...
  6. rcrmj

    Candidates for Mig-21 replacement in Vietnam

    last time i checked your defence budget was just around 2.4billion coundt even buy spare parts of european fighters``bare in mind there are millions incompetent vietcong armies' life dependent on those tiny budget no no, their 'glorious' vietcong will use AKs to shoot down whatever advanced...
  7. rcrmj

    Vietnamese pour into S China amid labor shortage

    your pony economy, incompetent vietcong, disgusting nature, freindless internationally, primitive industry and zero high tech capability will stop you from doing so, but feel free to dream or mentalmasturbate 'defeat' after 'defeat' yet been rulled and slaved again and again`does it sound...
  8. rcrmj

    YouKu and Tudou support on PDF

  9. rcrmj

    China carries out land-based mid-course missile interception test

  10. rcrmj

    China carries out land-based mid-course missile interception test

    there is a mistake of the Chinese member who posted this video, as this one is not Chinese mid-course interception but a terminal phase interception did by the U.S, As the original threads from CJDBY quoted this american video in comparison with the Chinese one which tested yesterday
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