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  • They studying is going good and the exams are coming up on the 13th ! I've been knackered with all the accounting I had to study throughout the day and so I'm here now to vent my frustration by trolling ! :P
    peninsula shield force it's basically an Arab version of NATO, they want US bases because they are scared of Iran and they want to stay in power, Egypt was once the most advanced Arab country under Nasser during the 50's and 60's it went all down hill with mubarak. I do hope so.
    Hey I would also like to State that the Gulf Arabs have their own ambitions saudi arabia for one funds radical groups around the world, the GCC I'm sure you know what they are they want a unified Arab Military but as you know the gulf region has first rate weaponry but third Soldiers, they have potential on becoming a powerful but with the Sheiks running those countries worried more about keeping power I'm not sure they can be taken seriously. Now Egypt on the other hand is interesting Egypt try to gain influence in the arab world again just like in nassers days you remember the war egypt fought with saudi arabia ?
    Whats your opinion regarding that the Arabs well western backed ones saw iran as a bigger threat then Israel and were fine with Israeli nukes but not with iran getting, countries like saudi arabia which I'm not going to lie funds extremist around the world, you heard of the many rumors the gulf arabs would let israel fly through their airspace to iran, not to mention Wikileaks on what the gulf arabs want iran to be bombed.
    Thanks for the response but if it were easy as you make it sound most of the problems in the middle east would have been solved, a strong leader is always going to be a dictator because democracy can't work with tribal country, afghanistan for example.
    Regarding a few things Saddam Hussein did you support his rule ? saddam oppressing a shia majority with support from the gulf arabs ? did you agree with the american invasion of iraq likely no I didn't however do you agree saddam should have been killed off ?
    Libya was based off tribal lines now did you know before Gaddafi was in power they were fighting the same thing ? right now Benghazi is in power struggle with Tripoli they see themselves are the leaders due to starting it . dividing it was one of the options but their are still many, I'm not so optimistic, the Libyan economy won't grow for another 5-7 years and with the current militia issues libya is also now becoming a hotspot for terrorists, My friend a libyan was actually a gaddafi supporter he was in the Libyan Military but the last few days fled into Mali.
    Yes I've heard gaddafi speeches I found him more funny then crazy, however the west turned it into protecting civilians into regime change which I was against and the people of benghazi hated gaddafi now it's a power struggle between tripoli and benghazi are you aware of the berber-arab issue I do believe in the end the west had their own ambitions my own opinion libya should have been divided.
    Not sure if that is possible. And what do i have to worry about? I have Jewish friends. Of course, i never discuss politics with them or anything, and i don't hate Jews, in fact i believe Orthodox Jews and Muslims have a lot in common, even other Jews share a lot of similarities with us Muslims. I respect Jews, my teachers were Jewish, my classmates, my friends, etc....

    In fact, Jews helped my family in our times of struggle, so why would i, or why should i hate Jews? Zionism, i might disagree with it, but i'm not against the israeli state, i support a two state solution because israel is now here to stay and its arab neighbors can't do anything to dislodge it unless they want to face the combined wrath of the West+israel??? I'm just against the double standards of israelis/zionists while in Western countries they support open border policy.

    BTW, i'm only exercising my freedom of speech/expression (my constitutional right), i'm not hating or threatening anyone.
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