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  1. S

    Palestinian Arab struggle against Arabs

    Great, so that's how it is, displace the Palestinians, make them refugees then blame those who don't take them as refugees but don't blame those who made them refugees in the first place...
  2. S

    Egypt's hopes betrayed by Morsi

    Most Egyptians want the Muslim Brotherhood? Snap back to reality dude. Only the Muslim brotherhood want the Muslim brotherhood, otherwise most of Egyptians don't want them.
  3. S

    Gaza should be annexed by Egypt

    I'm talking about 1948 and before, why didn't the US host the Israelis then? The US indeed helped Israel settle in the middle east, so yea they kind of encouraged them to leave because they helped them have a homeland.
  4. S

    Gaza should be annexed by Egypt

    The ongoing logic is " Arabs should host their beloved Palestinians! " By same logic, why doesn't US host their beloved Israelis?
  5. S

    The Total defeat of Israel in 33 days (Lebanon 2006)

    Israel attacked first not us. They attacked and destroyed the bulk of Egyptian air force which neutralized Egyptian air capabilities.
  6. S

    Obama: Egypt is neither 'ally' nor 'enemy'

    Insulting a religion isn't freedom of speech. Period. Deny the holocaust in USA/Europe and you'll be an anti-semite Nazi and will face consequences.
  7. S

    kills two Egyptian fishermen

    How did you know they were pirates? You said fishermen in the title, don't change your words...
  8. S

    ‘Iran and Egypt going to offset Saudi and US in Mid-East’

    To all those who say that Egyptian economy will collapse without the American aid, I'd like to inform you that most of the American aid is given mostly in form of weaponry. I don't remember the exact amount of cash given in form of economic aid, but it didn't exceed 250 million dollars. So...
  9. S

    Afghan rocket attack damages US military chief’s plane

    Not their democracy, you wrecked Iraq and then left. Were there any bombings or was there any chaos in Iraq prior to 2003? No there wasn't, dictatorship yes, but not such chaos and deaths in tens or hundreds per day.
  10. S

    Afghan rocket attack damages US military chief’s plane

    Stop thinking of yourselves as the champions of human rights and the bringers of democracy. We see your democracy in Iraq, and how awesome it is. And we now see the conditions of Aghani people and what you did to them, all under your fake banner of democracy and human rights.
  11. S

    Egyptian Anti-Aircraft Missiles Reported in Sinai

    Israel has asked us to remove the armored vehicles we moved into Sinai? What do they want us to control Sinai with, rocks and sticks?!
  12. S

    Egypt in talks with Pakistan for joint production of JF-17 Thunder

    No :P, thanks for the offer though!
  13. S

    Egypt in talks with Pakistan for joint production of JF-17 Thunder

    The news was posted a long time ago, like a year or so and I thought the talks were stopped and dead. But it's good to see the talks still alive&kicking. This will be a pretty good replacement for old aicrafts i.e. Mig21, j-7 etc. It's cheap and economic and will fit nicely.
  14. S

    كل عام و انتم بألف صحة و سلامة. بلاك ايغل ازيك؟ لي&#1603...
  15. S

    Israeli DM Declares Public Opposition to War on Iran Doesn’t Matter

    So much for the " only democracy in the middle east " eh?
  16. S

    Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days

    In Israel's law someone who murders is punished by 45 days -.-"? Oh btw, you keep saying " maybe he was afraid blah blah blah ". He suspected them blah blah blah. And something better than nothing blah blah blah. And noone will shoot civilians again blah blah blah. Do I really need to argue...
  17. S

    15 Egyptian soldiers killed by Palestinians to take over their weapons

    Look how many times Zionists on this forum have called everything thrown at them propaganda.. The same thing goes to you, you don't believe anything in any media other than those you love. Everything else, is automatically propaganda to you.
  18. S

    15 Egyptian soldiers killed by Palestinians to take over their weapons

    agentny, brother you didn't reply to my question. Are you 100% sure the state TV said they were Palestinians?
  19. S

    15 Egyptian soldiers killed by Palestinians to take over their weapons

    This incident again assures the absolute necessity of modifying Camp David treaty between Egypt and Israel in order to send in more troops into Sinai to control it. Actually, why doesn't anyone actually put just a mere 1% that this could be a move done by Israel, to try to prove that Sinai is...
  20. S

    15 Egyptian soldiers killed by Palestinians to take over their weapons

    From where did you get the news that they were Palestinians? All the news I read stated that they were militants without identifying the nationality.
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