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  • Thank you sir I am honoured that you liked my post. But I am just trying to portray what I think is the way forward to the best of my understanding.
    qsaark sir, thanks for accepting my friend request, i should say, i like your posts, actually quite a high degree of professionalism can be seen in them, hats off to u sir:-)
    thanks for the nice compliments ... we all have the same objectives but different approach ... I hope one of the approaches work and becomes a success for Pakistan.
    Congrats on becoming a ThinkTank qsaark, your posts are simply great, they reflect professionalism and maturity, I can learn alot from you.

    Best wishes,

    going very, well wish you good luck!
    always at service, hope you will prosper!
    may allah bless you.
    Hello qsaark,

    Mod delected ludacrisa posts and hopefully banned him also.

    thanks to mods and admins and web master

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