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  • F-117 has great stealth but poor speed and flight performance.

    The engine blocker limmited F-117's speed, F-117 is a sub sonic bomber.

    You russians ####ed up T-50's design and now you try to go back fixing it. You russians realize that to completely redesign T-50 will cost way too much since your and your indians friend dont have much money like China does. Therefore you russians came up with some idea using engine blockeer.

    If you russians do use this. Then T-50's speed will be limmited, so your stealth gets better but supercruise gets ####ed!

    Also, T-50 lacks the great craftsmanship of J-20, with billions and billions of riviets! Which means even with engine blocker, T-50's stealth is still crappy
    WTF do you care how I want to write!!

    It is none of your bussiness.

    You got OWNED by Brocooli many times.

    Get ur junk T-50 and go away!
    Sorry to disturb you again; but are are the only Russian here..wht can I do??
    I have a question regarding gigantic Beriev; Be-200
    Do you have some news that this plane either is completely stalled in production or is there any news that this plane (as far as I know) is too be converted to some sort of AEWs??
    Thnx for your informative replies.
    I was wondering that you being Russian military guy might tell me about the GLONASS integration in Russian missiles or artillery projectiles...I have researched but to no avail.
    Do reply.
    Hey,are you russian?Some of your fact are definately load of .STFU sometimes if you do not know anything about it especially on the aspect of aviation.
    Why? What is wrong?

    I am not insulting SU-35, in fact I was impressed by the fact that even after crash it manage to lift off enough so its pilots eject safely. I am not a big fan of TVC but after seeing its manuverbility, I was impressed and think it is important.

    Why are you so paraynoid?
    The thread is about Rocket, Chinese rocket, American rocket or Russian rocket.

    Since your are expert on it why not share it with us?

    I am "ignorant" when it comes to Russia's space tech :0

    Maybe you are "educate" me :0

    BTW, please post rocket releated stuffs. This form is full of sh!t from Indians trolls.
    You are still not posting informations on Russia's Rocket!!

    THis is a rocket thread.

    You are arguing like an old desperate woman!
    Could you post informations about Russia's rockets and compare it with China's. This threat is about China's Rocket.

    Thanks. :)
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