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  1. ptldM3

    Iraq has bought used Su24 from Russia and Belarus to fight terrorist after F-16 delayed delivery

    The best Iraqi pilots were assigned to the SU-25, supposedly during the Iran Iraq war only one SU-25 was downed. It's been decades since Iraq has operated SU-25's, i would imagine that many of those pilots are either retired, dead or really old.
  2. ptldM3

    Russian Special Forces Alpha Unit

    It could be but i have only seen these guy use it. Then again there are millions of firearms i have not seen so it's anyones guess. The desert/dark earth is my favorite scheme and it looks good no matter if the firearm is fully painted of partially painted. A lot of the foliage patterns are hit...
  3. ptldM3

    Russian Special Forces Alpha Unit

    Those AR's or M-4's are not standard issued, if i remember correctly there was one Spetsnaz soldier with an AR but i think it was his personal weapon and it was during competition. There seems to be 2 different ARs though and i don't know if it's the same guy. I would venture that this could be...
  4. ptldM3

    Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

    The MKI may not be war proven but the Flanker which the MKI is has been proven in both air-to-air and air-to-ground. This is none sense, an F-16 especially for a combat mission will have drop tanks and ordinance, its RCS will increase drastically. The F-16 is also nothing special when talking...
  5. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    The distinction was made only after you stated that the people quoted in your source were Christians and missionaries. I pointed out that Dr. Reynolds was not a missionary but a Muslim theologist, at which point you accused me of calling Reynolds a Muslim, i clarified that i never said he was a...
  6. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    But has there been wide spread abuse of missionaries "luring" Muslims with questionable tactics? There is no information or statistics available, even your source stated that Christian missionaries use questionable tactics in "extreme" cases. Also do Muslims not use the word Jesus when...
  7. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    There is no laws that i am aware of that restrict people from calling themselves doctors, i can go around and call myself a doctor, even a cosmonaut. As long as i don't operate on people or break into a soyuz rocket i think i will be just fine. By your logic Muslims should be banned from...
  8. ptldM3

    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    I think your car is, pardon my French, crap. Mechanical issues does not mean a car is haunted if that is the case then i'm screwed too. When people are paranoid they become hyper sensitive and think they see or hear things which if they were not in a state of paranoia they probably would not...
  9. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    You keep repeating the same thing without even debating it which tells me you have no argument. On the other, hand i have actually spoken about the subject in depth. So do you want to debate, or do you want keep repeating the same empty rhetoric? I also said that there is a big difference...
  10. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    You would have difficulty understanding a children's book, you should be the last person talking about reading comprehension considering that you are confused to the point of miss-understanding your own sources. Wow, once again you are making yourself out to be ignorant and that is an...
  11. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    Once again you are demonstrating your inability to understand your own source not to mention you are ignoring the counter view in your own source. You quoted one academic that claimed that the camel method was deceitful yet in the very same source that you provided another academic, a phD at...
  12. ptldM3

    Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition

    Nothing and the lines between the so called 'moderates', ISIS, and other factions are so blurred that it's a quagmire. It's not like the 'moderates' even go through any rigorous back round, they could be anyone including ISIS, they can decide to go fight in Iraq or anywhere for that matter.
  13. ptldM3

    Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition

    Let him live in fantasy land. Meanwhile ISIS is streaming from Syria into Iraq with captured Syrian weapons as well as probably weapons purchased with the help of the US.
  14. ptldM3

    Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition

    I'm afraid you are naive.
  15. ptldM3

    India And Russia Are Trying To Build A Next-Generation Fighter Jet Together, And It's Not Going Well

    From all reports the program is on course. The author is ignorant, he is assuming that a test program is supposed to be rainbows, when in reality all aircraft have issues in the development stages.
  16. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    That is not how honest debating works, you can't make a claim and then when asked to prove that claim casually tell the other party to do their own research, or that you came across the information a long time ago, or that it's all over the internet. I have done a quick search and nothing came...
  17. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    Yes, but what you said about visa's was not true.
  18. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    You did what? You have not provided any sources for your claims.
  19. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    Europe is mostly secular, missionaries operate on their own free will, they do not fulfill some hidden agenda that is passed onto them by parliaments. Moreover, Missionaries have no special abilities to grant visa's as you have falsely implied. Embassies are contacted if a missionary might find...
  20. ptldM3

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    Educate people not familiar with this. Are you saying missionaries are able to grant visa's?
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