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  • For defense needs, egypt should adopt the pathway of Iran. Work on developing Missile technology with high accuracy and greater range. Maybe pakistan can help egypt in this regard. Once the tech is developed, the missiles can be mass produced in order to build a credible deterrent against Israel.

    Israel is the only threat which Egypt has. However, now there is a threat of NATO from Libya.
    Yes, I do believe su-35 would be best for EAF, however, I also believe a major change of doctrine is necessary for EAF.

    Let me explain.
    Same with me man. Just have a look at some of the visitor messages I put on her profile, I genuinely apologized to her for a little bit trolling. Didn't expect this kind of attack from her at all.

    In the first message which was deleted by mod I called all Sunnis, shia, alawites, wahabis brothers. Then Mosamania called me "pathetic" in return.
    And are you beautiful and pale. With yellow hair like her....I'd want you beautiful and pale the way I've dreamed...you were... Johannaaaaaaaaaa.
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