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  • I know Egyptians very well. There are 600000 Egyptians in Jordan and I have long been communicating with them all over the internet. So, I know them just like Jordanians.
    Lol got banned for trolling. But that was like a month or so back. I don't mind your kind of trolling, at least you initiate some sorta debate. Its the corny, racist, stereotyping sorta trolling that annoys me.

    Whats your background btw, if you don't mind me asking? For a middle eastern you sure know a lot of things about sub continent.
    My opinion? Yes, I believe the US would side with Israel. The subject of intra-alliance conflict is not new and every alliance have this potential problem throughout history. Notably, the conflict between China and the Soviet Union, the world's communist leaders, that led to China coming to friendly terms with US via Nixon. But it is very easy to say that we would side with Israel -- blanketly. If it was that easy where the moral and social ties between the two countries give Israel some sort of license to do as please, then we would have seen far more conflicts in the ME than today.

    Personally, I support Israel out of strategic considerations, not because I feel some sort of emotional bond with Israel. If Israel is clearly in the wrong, Israel should bear the consequences without America's intervention.
    Hi NeutralCitizen, I don't really follow Kazakhastan's military that much since I dont live there ! However I can say this much:

    Defence budget of Kazakhastan is very low, just a little above 1 billion. Which is lower than that of Bangladesh.

    This is where people get it wrong. People assume that former USSR states are 'independent'. But the reality is that in case of countries like Kazakhastan and many other central Asian states, their defense responsibility pretty much rests with Russia. We are not really complaining about that, most people in Kazakhastan would have liked to live under USSR. Though I lived in Russia for the most part that is why I chose USSR as my flag. :tup:

    Kazakhastan's main focus atm is on the economy. Its standard of living and GDP/capita is higher than Russia. :tup:
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