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  • What? The moderators and admins are the same as before. And I thought all of you liked kasrkin's selection as Mod?

    I understand your differences with DS, but aside from him the admin team is the original one.

    So I am not sure I understand the point about our 'curious choices'.
    NO, you are not the only one to get that feeling - curious choices who they entrusted themselves to, but it's not for me to say what they can or should do with their property, still, damn shame
    Hello muse,

    How are you my man. Just wanted to ask you if I am the only one who is getting the feeling that we are not welcome anymore on the forum anymore---.
    Hi, are you still there? ;) Check out my reply in the"Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science?" Thread.

    Taslima's IP was in India.

    This isn't the first Indian we have banned pretending to be a Muslim extremist from Pakistan - not sure if they are the same individual.
    Thank you Rahul, it is kind of you to say. I have a bit busy on some projects and I do miss not being with everyone here as much as I would have liked. Eid Mubarak to you and to all forum members
    Yes, unfortunately, very busy and fixing to get more of the same. I regret I will not be able to participate as much as I would like to, at least for the time being.
    I assure you I have neither and am entirely unworthy - but I do appreciate your kind remarks.
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