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  • When one tries to behave in a fair manner, in a decent manner with them, they seem not to understand - It's as if they are used to Daanda - and instead teaching us stuff about their life, their experiences - they imagine they will teach us about extremism - using arguments we crafted - just country bumpkins, you know, johnny come lately
    I've heard some of their stuff -- but not really a "fan"-- the "muse" nickname was to suggest something or the other from Greek mythology

    While continuously re-assessed my hiatus is a good fit right now. My active participation has proved unnecessary while still benefiting from the insights offered by others here. I never say never however. In the interim I lurk therefore I am...(;-)
    Muse sahib - things are going alright. Trying to keep the banner of progressive thought, and fight against bigotry, alive on the forum. Have some good help from some members. Will be interested in your take on the general tone of the forum from the perspective of the Pakistani viewpoint. I know that before you left you had concerns over the tenor shifting in favor of the 'Islamist' as you put it.

    P.S: You might have forgotten, but unless you click on 'view conversation' before replying on your profile, or reply on the other posters profile, the people you are replying to are not made aware of your response.

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