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  • Thank you all for your excellent comments - A better Frame for the debate about Islam=Arab is old in the subcontinent, See Dehlvi's work.There are two other important aspects, one is of course the built in propaganda and self interest of the clerics, the other is that nothing succeeds like success and the Saudi project for Pakistan is immensely successful and you should not think those who were unable to think through the issue, that is to say, one is cultural (arabization) and the other religious (islam) are not necessarily lunes, what they and I hope you can see, is Arabization means material success, whereas the alternative, well, Look at Pakistan's myriad of issues-so why not associate with a success that does not bring with it the kind of dissonance that a narrative not ensconced in what they choose to call Islam.
    As I said and will continue to articulate, every taboo set up by the Islamist is now open to challenge and that is a huge victory for conscience and free inquiry.
    1) Sir I have read your posts and I must commend your sanity. It is very hard to find a sane pakistani especially when we are talking about the true cultural identity of a pakistani. My opinion is that there is a severe identity crisies in pakistani people, SHeer hate has enveloped every thing. And due to this identity crisis a common pakistani always needs to prove his point every now and then how he is "different" from the neighbouring hindu. The blanket of islam does not give him true self-credibilty and tries to get comfort by projecting himself which he is not.
    2) The doctrine of islam has made provisions to concentrate all the geopolitical factors in favaour of saudi arabai, be it language, culture, practises, plaes of worship (mecca madina), finality of arabi prohet etc. The makers of islam has very clevery kept all geo political sttrings firmly in the hands of arbi tribes. And those who have been forecefully devoid of their true identity seek identity from the same enforced identity.

    For me islam is a well callibrated doctrine unleashed on world to wipe out pluralism, multi culturalism, tolerance and co-existence and transfer all the geo-political interests firmly in arabi lapp. . It is like a rabies virus (or like vampires), every one wants to avoid it but unfortunately if someone gets affected by it, he becomes mad and forgets what he really is and wants everyone else to become like him otherwise he will bite other people and infect him and make others like him.
    Hey apologizes for labelling you as an Indian!

    I usually look forward to your posts but today it seems you went off-balance. But you regained conscience and posted with logic later on in the thread arabisation Pakistan.

    I understand even Pakistanis have different views about certain things*
    Btw why does omar1984 accuse you of being an Indian considering he is here long time too??

    Dear sir muse.

    I need your views on the matters regarding the violence in Karachi.

    My blood is boiling.
    Can you maybe shed a light, as to what is holding common Pakistanis back to go out there and simply speak up, demand justice for their breathrens in Karachi?

    What is wrong here? And what could be the cause?

    I contact you because I respect your posts, they are of a high level, and you often challenge the sensitive issues in Pakistan with good words.

    Thank you for your time.

    - Jihad
    hi..solomon is commenting on zionism..himself being one..i think.his comments will be more informative and authentic....
    Saw it earlier and I don't quite understand, why don't you want to post it? - "You are free..in this Pakistan " Quaid e Azam.
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