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  • Let's play their own game with them. lets take this debate about to their country.
    i m in mood of india bashing...........i m indian of course..............
    its a good way to get thks..
    Yes, backtracking happens all the time. Remember Shiny Ahuja. His maid backtracked but still he was convicted. Happens all the time.
    Point is if you can prove anything in the court of law.. there could be 10s of these statements without any basis and for your information, the verdict of prisoner against the other without additional supporting proves is zero. You might want to consider that US itself has a plan in which it keeps pinching Pakistan. Do you recall the case filed in US court against ISI? So a statement by David or George against Pakistan without proves is ---> 0
    Actually there are 10s of thing which lead to same conclusion.. your guys know how to play double game and they keep pitching on both ends for the sake of taking any side at the time of need. We know India is under a tight grip of Hinditwa terrorism and there are 100s of example if one is willing to learn.
    Its not neutrality :). If I can substantiate the reason then I stand stead fast by it unless proven otherwise. If I do not have needed information then I go by nation first blindly. In case of fishermen cause, i did not concentrate my efforts there. So I am not aware of the real scenario. I this case I need to support our fishermen as per my own standpoint. Yes I do agree that we need to get tough on this issue with Srilanka. My take was in Diplomacy we cannot mix two issues and cut off all ties in the name of fisherman. This is one of the isolated issues which needs to be given priority. But also engage the Srilankan government on geo-political strata such that they do not look beyond India. i.e. China and to some extent Pakistan.

    I live in Pune, but travel every couple of months all over the world. Right now in Pune.
    oh yess. i got her intentions this time. this time i will not let her go off-topic. she needs a lesson to be taught.
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