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  1. KS

    What's Modi's First Destination?

  2. KS

    We want fresh elections, says AAP

    lol where did Punjab come into this. We are talking about Delhi. Looks like AAPtards have already started justifying the latest palti from Mr.U-turnwal. AAP must be the only party to be fighting a case in High Court to dissolve the Delhi assembly while simultaneously fighting with the Governer...
  3. KS

    What do Indians think of the Nepalese

    As hindu and buddhist brothers. All the best for the victory of Thapa who has promised to make Nepal a hindu state again.
  4. KS

    We want fresh elections, says AAP

    Looks like they dont want elections and have asked Governor not to dissolve the assembly. They are going to do a cellphone referendum again...rofl Darr gaya Kejriwal.
  5. KS

    Sri Lanka 'happy' Jayalalithaa lost clout in New Delhi

    Stupid lankans..Modi is actually a bigger threat. He is one who believes that India is the natural homeland of HIndus all over the world. And 70% of Lankan Tamils are Hindus ;) Crimea-Putin ring any bells ? A word of caution to the lankans - the drama baaz you were doing with the weak...
  6. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Yeah the answer to one rant is another rant. Got it.
  7. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    "Tamil voting for freebies." Dude, I really want to take a shot at that..but restraining in order since it might be insulting to other Punjabis because of your stupid comments.
  8. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Feels good to hear the chants of Har Har Mahadev in the speech of an Indian PM man..:-)
  9. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    I would specially like to thank the lower OBCs and the Dalits who shed the caste inhibitions and overwhelmingly voted for BJP in the crucial states of UP, Bihar and Maharashtra :)
  10. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Dafuq ur speaking bro ? Amit bhai is the Man of the Match while Modi, the Man of Series.
  11. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    I dont know if Vajpayee ji can comprehend the importance of this day.He definitely would be very happy and would die a happy man if he knew..:(
  12. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    So much wishing to see the faces of those evangelists and leftist loonies who campaingned for Modi's visa refusal in US when the man arrives in Washington aboard Indian Air Force 1 like a boss and red carpet is rolled out to him. Muthafucking burn, if there was one.
  13. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Modern day Chanakya to Modern day Chandragupta. :) No exaggerations. The work given to this man was next to impossible and boy he did it in style.
  14. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    BTW also a big big thank you to all the RSS, VHP, Sangh Parivar activists who came out in full force once again to ensure a BJP victory. I'm not forgetting people like me, who supported Modi and BJP throughout this time and didnt lose hope in them even in the trying times. Feels much happy man...
  15. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    @Joe Shearer I've been waiting for this day for a long time to let you know that the fossilized, lutyenised India doesnt hold sway no more and this is a new India which we see is rising. An India of aspirations, hope which looks into the future without being burdened by un-necessary baggage of...
  16. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    A big big big thank you to those damn cow belt walas for single handedly saving India from doom. :D
  17. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Anyway Ram Mandir is upon the court. But both development and mandir can go hand in hand..thats all Im saying. Plus sab ka saath, sab ka vikas
  18. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    JAIIIIIIIII SRIIIIII RAAMMMMMMMM Now we want Ram Mandir and Uniform Civil code along with abolition of Article 370.
  19. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    He has already been assigned the responsibility of MH assembly elections. :)
  20. KS

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

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