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  • Sir if you want to prove Abdul Wahab prove him wrong from Quran and Sunah what I have seen in his books is that he proves from Quran and Sunnah if you think you are right than give reference of Quran and Sunah not your personal opinion what he has said or what is interpreted of what he has said
    Hello S-19,hope you have a great time bro.
    Zionist K and I are not going to come to this forum for a bit more than 2 months.We should study for university entrance exam.Pray for us!Good bye.
    In general positive. Based on a political view, I would also view them in a positive light.
    Well I travel from Pakistan to Canada a lot, and I'm still working on my 5 pillars. My prayer sometime goes from 100% - 60%, which is what I have to make better.

    Everything else is good, have to still make hajj though.
    Actually, the Qu'ran tells us that Israelis betrayed God, and God choose them above all else. It's quite amazing how how ignorant they were told to us in the Qu'ran, they are as ignorant in real life (the Zionists of course, not every Jew).
    I'm a Muslim of course, though I do tend to take some Biblical prophecies seriously, cause they have roots to God.
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