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  1. K

    Israel says they want Assad to stay in power

    Not really. he has been virulently anti Israel from the start (besides his father). Part of his legitimacy is derived from antagonism with Israel. But in this case, overall, he's just the "lesser of the two evils". FSA, by now, is mostly dominated by Islamist militants. If they come to power...
  2. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    What would it take for you to be convinced that it did indeed indicate a Jewish state? I'm not quoting the treaty as a substantiation for the formation of a Jewish homeland. The treaty is just a piece of paper, doesn't mean anything. I'm quoting the treaty because it proves, at that time, that...
  3. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Blackcrow goes... bla, bla and bla...:omghaha:
  4. K

    Israel launches air strikes on Syria

    My guess is that their defense systems were told deliberately to stand down. Of course Assad wouldn't want to go on a war with Israel at a time when his own regime is in doldrums.
  5. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Quote: This refers to the Balfour Declaration: Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I assume you already know what Balfour declaration was for: For the establishment of a Jewish national home in 'palestine'. Who did the red part above? The Jews? The French? No, the...
  6. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    "Jewish national home"... That was an agreement with the British Empire. Sykes Picot agreement was made public much later, around the late twenties, by the time of which Jews had already immigrated in very large numbers and anti Jewish massacres were taking place. So, how exactly do you hold...
  7. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    I don't know which wiki page you are talking about. But before we debate about this, I can tell you that, the original British Mandate for Palestine, which was supposed to be given to the Jews, included the whole of transjordan. So, why do you think Israel is occupying "palestine", but Jordan is...
  8. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Conquest? Do you call British empire's Balfour declaration, which was agreed on to by the then Arab leaders, a conquest? What do you have to say about the 1948 war, where Arabs attacked the Jews in order to "push them off to the sea"? Who intended to conquer whom, bro?
  9. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Then, what is your opinion about the argument that jews cannot live in Israel because some of their lineage isn't (so-called) "semitic"?
  10. K

    BAGHDAD — At least 66 people were killed in bomb blasts in Iraq on Friday

    Man, this is some next level sh!t! May they rest in peace.
  11. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    LOL...! Pot calling the kettle black... what's with this Kazakh thing bro? Some kazakh got your mom?
  12. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    LOL, shut up you lunatic! Brags of victory after getting his sorry *** handed over! :omghaha: And yeh, it's a good show... carry on with your obsession ;)
  13. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    LOL, you know, we understand English. ;) And I love how he blinks, cute, innit bro? :bunny: Is this the al Karama battle you're talking of? Battle of Karameh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Strength of Israel: 1 armored brigade; 1 infantry brigade; 1 paratroop battalion; 1 engineering...
  14. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    What an utter humilitation it was... Getting all of their ***es handed over to them within SIX days. Friggin 6 days! What more, his king flew over and begged Israel to not attack him in 1973... Guess Hussein learned his lesson after 67', and hopefully, passed on the lesson to his son. ;) This...
  15. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Your king understands better than you do... Take a look at this video. Take a long hard look. He looks cute, doesn't he? lol. ;) I know... not the same king. But as Controlled Pair suggested... some lesson from father's follies would serve good.
  16. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Dude... carry on, your obsession with Kazakhastan is frankly, hilarious! :omghaha: Carry on... it's a good show. ;)
  17. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Yup.. they're usually intelligent (and pleasant) people. I find this instance very strange! Dude, your vitriol resembles sinophobic propaganda by japan during WWII? Ring any bells? Ignore that barbaric Arab blackcrow... I'm from Russia, although lived in west Europe for most of my life.
  18. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    What beef does a Chinese have against Israel? Are you from Malaysia? Your previous location, Bindulu, is a city from Malaysia, correct? Now I can grasp why a Malaysian would have such animosity with Israel.. they're Muslims, which by definition, requires you to tow the Arab line, support that...
  19. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    LOL, cry me a river, lunatic kid! :omghaha:
  20. K

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    And.... the kid blackcrow farts! :omghaha: I've been following your desperation since the last few days... and I must say, your obsession with kazakh was hilarious!
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