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  • Furthermore, we should put ALL verses of Quran in perspective when judging the meaning of the verses. It's clear from Qran that Allah has appointed the prophet as the teacher of Quran for us: as mention in the previous verse I sent and also this one for example:

    A similar in that We have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our Signs, and sanctifying you, and instructing you in Scripture and Wisdom, and in new knowledge
    Very good point. I give you an example. What do you think about an article whose title is:
    "Quantum Mechanics made easy or explained in easy language"

    Now My question is: Would a 10-year old understand the article?? certainly not. So what does easy mean in such a context?

    We should first know, what is the origin of Quran. What is it's nature. This book we have in our hands is a "tanzeel" or "cast down" version of a 'book' in the heavens. Allah says in Quran the real Quran is with him however we won't be able to understand that. So he has simplified it and sent it down to us so that we may understand.

    "Made easy for YOU to understand". YOU here is a reference to the humanity, Not to every single person. Allah is saying that Quran is made simple so that humanity CAN POTENTIALY understand it. It takes the help of the prophet, but it doesn't mean that everyone will immediately understand it. It rather requires the help of thd prophet himself, plus studying and pondering and research.

    "Those who **follow the messenger**, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for **he commands them** what is just and **forbids them** what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper."
    Good point about the translation.

    Brother, translating Quran to other languages is an Extremely difficult task. Or let me say it's literally impossible to translate it. The word "مفصَّلا = mufassalan" is from root "فصل" means taking apart. This word can be used in this sense to say that Quran is not mixed up and botched up. But rather, its rulings are taken apart are clear and not mixed and contradictory.

    In any case, even if we accepted "explained in detail" translation, it means Allah has made clear for us All that we need to know to find the right path. Nothing is vague ---> He says in Quran "Follow the messenger". This is clearly explained. Do you know why Allah has omitted certina details of Quran and left them the prophet to explain to us? ---> To make it clear for us that Sunnah of the prophet is part of Islam. Nowhere in Quran he teaches us that number raka's of Salah is 2-4-4-3-4, let alone details of how to make Salah.
    I am having this dicussion, because I know you are good guy, in sha Allah. I think I know one, when I see. :)
    Then please show which verse of Quran tells us that we should 2-4-4-3-4 raka' of Salah every day. (a total of 17 rak'a).
    Yes I insist that the details have been omitted. For examle Quran clearly orders us to offer prayers at specific times. But doesn't tell us how. It's just tells us OBEY the prophet. It's not just about Salah but many how-tos have been left unspoken of in Quran.

    Allah says Quran is clear and manifest in its orders. The verse you gave "explained in detail" is again lost in translation. The Arabic word is "mufassalan". It means is takes apart. It doesn't OR prevents from mixing (of truth and wong). In any case the word in dicussion doesn't imply that the Quran has ALL the details we must know.

    The first part of the verse is definitly correc too! The prophet never seeks other the rule of Allah or a judge other than him. What he tells us is knowledge from Allah and his rulings.
    When did I say prophet Muhammad knows ALL future events???

    Allah informed him about certain events that we Muslims should beware of. Just that.

    Creation of Israel and it's final destruction ont he hand Muslims is one of them. There has been a vast body of knowlesge transmitted to us about his predictions. We don't know which is true which is fabrication. But at least those that are coming true should be taken into account. As well as those that have good chains of narrators and we can trust them.
    OK, so first we have to decide how do we understand Quran.

    1- It's obvious that Quran has given us some general orders and omitted the details. Likst how to make Salah/daily prayers.

    2- At the same time it has ordered us to follow the command of the prophet.

    3- you and I have not seen the prophet.

    How do we know how to make Salah? Is Islam lost and destroyed?
    Quran orders us to follow Sunnah of the prophet:

    We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah

    There many verses in Quran that Allah orders us to follow prophet Muhammad's commands too.

    ... So take what the Messenger assigns to you, and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you. And fear Allah; for Allah is strict in Punishment.

    And obey Allah and the Messenger; that ye may obtain mercy.

    How do you know the detail of how to pray, for example?
    1- forget about the word "Mystery". Quran was sent in Arabic! The verse in discussion use the word "Ghaib = Unseen", and says Allah does inform his prophet about the Unseen.

    2- The key is putting different verses next to each other and then use logic to understand them. I added the word "independent" after comparing different verses to each other, and based on rules of Arabic. Also the assumption that Quran doesn't have contradictions. So you automatically know that these verses are looking at the same issue from different angels.

    3- Quran tells us that previos prophets did inform their people about future, so it's possible that prophet Muhammad sAwa has done that too.

    4- mutawaatir: A news that has been narrated through many different chains of narrators that makes it virutally impossible to be a fabrication. Specially given the impossibility/difficulty of telecommunication/travel in the old days.
    Quran itself is a mutawaatir news!
    The prophet's predictions are coming true right in front or our eyes.

    FACT: If you deny mutawaatir news ---> one might claim "There was no prophet Muhammad at all."
    prove he even existed. How would you prove it?
    Let's not get lost in translation. "Mystery" here is a translation of "Ghaib" = "Unseen".

    Allah cleary says, he dosn't reveal "Unseen" except to the messenger. Now if you ask what are those Unseen that has been revealed that's open to discussion. As I said it's 'mutawaatir' that prophet Muhammad informed us about future events that are unfolding right in front of our eyes.

    Those other verses you quoted are saying that prophets don't have independent knowledge of the Unseen. They can't know whatever they want from it, but only what Allah wants them to know as to carry out their mission.
    Btw, even Quran talks about a greate mischief banu Israel will make and their subsequent destruction.
    See chapter 17 please.
    Even Quran give us example of prophet's that informed their people about future events. Like Yusuf (as) which predicted the future of those two guys in the jail (chapter 12). Or prophet Jesus (as) tells his people aout Ghaib. These are in Quran too.
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