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  • Sir a member of forum told me that an Army officer from Lahore core told him that General Raheel during his speech at Lahore core has told that Army is going to replace its standard weapon I mean G3
    I haven't heard of any such statement and so I cannot say for sure.
    Hi, i am doing Mphil thesis and i need help in collection of data. It would really help if you could provide me with any material related to How Chinese rise is leaving an impact on Pakistan. I know that it is solidifying Pakistan defence and economy, but if you could provide any article or book, that would be great.
    Why does @Armstrong call you Sethi saab? Are you Najam Sethi by any chance? :)
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    Hehe. So Sethi is a well known last name like Sharif or Qureshi. I didn't know so
    Not as such, there are very few Sethis in Pakistan. Most of our kinsmen were Hindu or Sikh and so they chose to move to India. Sahnis, Kohlis, Chadas, Anands, these guys are practically our cousins.
    Ohh. Yeah they are familiar names
    Oscar seems to have taken care of it. I think it had run its course ab khatam kardia.
    thats GOOD

    do you any info regarding the SAM system which we are developing

    the news of local SAM emerged after nasr test
    how are you?

    sir i wanted that long back you said your aware of a supersonic cruise missile?

    can you sir provide me some info regarding that
    Deeply appreciate and love reading your posts. Please forgive most of us for not having the patience, constructive attitude, knowledge and maturity you have.
    Mate, in another thread you were asking about excerpts from the Hindu Scriptures and you said that its part of a research project of yours. Might I ask what are you researching and is it for a Doctoral thesis ?
    And when they ridicule your God and his messenger, do not abuse their (false) gods, rather turn away from them and say to them salam

    Sire is it Quranic verse(Surah and verse no ?) Or hadith? Need to use this as a reference
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