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  • Icarus, sir, thank you for being the gentleman that you are on PDF. I have read your posts and know that you have served in the Pakistan Military. Your professionalism in your posts shine through. Respects, with a salute from an Indian.
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    Reactions: Vapnope and Icarus
    Thanks for the praise friend, I sincerely believe that exchanging blows (or in my case, mortars) with the other side gives you a better understanding of who you are facing and when you begin to understand them, it becomes impossible to hate them. I've interacted with Indian military personal as enemies and as diplomats and I have the highest praise for their professionalism, well earned, I might add.
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    Reactions: Levina
    You're welcome. I do think it's important for Pakistanis to realize their choices on the tree of values they use to guide their actions.
    And I fully respect your decisions, if nothing else, I must commend you for your courage and tenacity. You represent the interests of the Jewish community well, despite fierce and often unfounded opposition. However, like I said, I did not see the necessary correlation between the subject matter of the thread and Pak, regardless, I put it up for further review to get a second opinion.
    Never Knew that Icarus grow his own wings in the end :D
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    Reactions: Icarus
    I think it looks really cool. Maybe a peak into the afterlife.
    Slav Defence
    Slav Defence
    Icarus,the son of famous architect Daedalus the creator of labyrinth flew sky high to escape,but wax melted and his wings fall off,hence falling off ground.
    However,he had fallen to PDF where his own wings had grown and hence he lived happily ever after with webby,slav and team :D
    He is trolling against Iranians systematic. He trolls against Iranians in every thread in ME section. 'My bro do you feel good if an Indian ir Bangladeshi troll in every thread against Pakistan?'
    I understand your concern but I have to catch him violating a rule to issue infractions for it.
    Mate I hope you don't feel like me if a crap hasbara israeli trolls against your country 24/7. Have a good time
    Really he call's my country dog and boosts how he killed people i respond and i get this?
    Link? And by the way, seeing a troll and replying in kind does not make you just. Report the post and let the mods handle it.
    Thank you very much for the positive rating!
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    Reactions: Icarus
    No need to thank me, your post was well-researched and eloquently written. It deserved the rating.
    Sorry to bother you, but can you confirm how many terrorists Capt.Isfandyar took down, before embracing Shahadat?

    Best Regards
    Indus Falcon
    Indus Falcon
    What I heard was 4 from his father on Sama, I was just wondering if they were more. Would appreciate if you could kindly confirm.
    There's really no way to confirm it really because in the heat of battle, its very difficult to ascertain who is killing who as everyone is firing. I think two are confirmed kills though if we add unconfirmed or assisted kills, the number might be higher.
    Indus Falcon
    Indus Falcon
    I started a PM with you (not sure about your account settings, mine are set not to alert me to new conversations).
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