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  • I wish to apologize to members in advance to whom I promised that I would show up at the Farnborough Air show, particularly to Mr. Irfan Baloch. It seems that although I tried everything in power to attend the show, fate had planned otherwise. I was supposed to travel to Hampshire from Nottingham, my cousin was supposed to drive me but since he is now jobless, he has to work at weekends and I feel it would look extremely insensitive to ask him to skip a day of work to drive me to the air show, I myself do not have a license and am not insured therefore I cannot drive legally on U.K roads. I thought I could come by rail but I am not familiar with Hampshire and cannot afford lodging or travel by Taxi.
    Therefore I must announce with great sorrow that I will be unable to attend the Farnborough Airshow, I request other members to please get some good shots for us guys sitting at home..........
    Sorry once again,
    What kind of useful information do you think he has? Just curious, I can barely make out the meaning of his butchered posts. I hate this leetspeak abbreviated language.
    Off topic: @Marxist: Why is your signature set as goodbye defence.pk, why are you leaving ?

    job,i was on a sick leave for last five months lots of work to do buddy .not leaving for ever just for three months,i will be back...
    Hi Kakgeta, I'm wondering if this "Pakistani Nationalist" is even for real or just trolling.. what do you think?
    What can we do.. lots of immature guys come to the forum to bash others. They have to be properly dealt with. These guys get to warrior mode coz its internet and nobody can harm them through net. Anyway glad that one headache is gone.
    No its expensive here too, actually very expensive but only recently they offer free with an expensive monthly contract.
    Same here too, 3G is only available in limited places, EDGE is also sparsely available and its very annoying.
    Wonders of 3G, the speeds are garbage though and it is very difficult to work on a phone.
    Your quality, sensible posts deserves a warm handshake of friendship.. Keep the good work..
    I am staying at home nowadays on weekends so I have the time to deal with these guys.
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