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  • Your post wasn't appropriate.
    It was a bit flaming, sorry to say.

    So was the thread, about about Kashmir.
    Just try to stay away from these kinda posts, please!

    ThankYou Maam! :P
    Wipro is good firm to work for will look good on your CV having such a high profile company. Do you prefer Delhi or Bangalore to live? people say Bangalore is very green and lush i only really know Mumbai.
    Been delhi when i was like really young like 8 or 9 but planning to go again in 2011 to see the Taj and wish to go Kerala also can't wait.
    oh lol i did think so by yr name but was not sure because I have not seen many indian girls or any girls for that matter on pdf
    ohh. another IT professional. cool..... i just left my IT job coz i hated it. did MBA so that i wont ever need to go back to IT. :D. :god-willing:

    so how r u in a defence forum ? i mean gurlz interested in this field is not common.
    Sikh girl framed by US racists. Help her. A Sikh m
    Sikh girl framed by US racists. Help her.
    A Sikh medico has been accused of pre-marital motherhood. The news article read, “A young Sikh medical student, returning from Turkmenistan, gave birth to a baby aboard a plane and tried to flee after leaving behind the newborn in the toilet.”

    I am confident it’s not true. The baby is not hers. She is being framed. I feel it’s a part of the larger Racist-Type-American’s (RTA’s) plan to introduce sexism among Sikhs.

    Why would RTAs want to introduce sexism among Sikhs? RTAs envy Sikh women because unlike American women, Sikh women are not dumb. Unlike those good-for-nothing American girls, Sikh girls can succeed in technical fields. Sikh women have contributed substantially to India’s economic growth. This girl was an ideal target for them - a Sikh medical student studying abroad

    My heart goes out to the Sikh girl. The society must be ostracizing her now.

    Can we form a support group to help the innocent girl?
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